A little news. In pawparation for meeting a handsome square dog (some day), I have decided to have a little surgery. Mom says that she is worried about a couple of lumps that I have but I think that it is plastic surgery for Eric. While I am under anesthesia getting my lumps removed I will also have a dental procedure to make my pearly whites glisten.
I cannot wait for Eric to see the new and improved me.
Wish me luck my procedure is tomorrow (Monday).
Hi, Toffee!
I will have my paws crossed for you!
Don't worry! I am sure everything will go very well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We will be sending you a ton of healing vibes!!
Our paws are crossed for you, Toffee!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
How fortunate that your Mommy is a skilled plastic surgeon, so you won't have to worry about looking like a catwoman when its all over!
Good luck!!!
Your pal,
You certainly look lovely in doze panties, Toffee! Good luck today!
My sweetie pupcake, you are pawfect as you are. I'm worried to hear you are going to have some work when you don't need it but my girlie, my paws will be crossed tight for you.Always and forever.
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxxx
Toffee! I hope you are back home safe and sound from your makeover.
Toffee, you will be fine! Get well soon!
Dearst Toffe,we hope al went well yesterday....Just think your teeth will be glistening!! adn anyone who is anyone i sgetting liposuction..Anyway there is nothing else to do in this rain..might as well have plastic surgery..Love and healing kisses A+A
Hi Toffee,
Hope when I have a few "lumps" removed that the surgery goes as well as yours.
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
We are soooooo sorry to hear of your lumps, Toffee. We were so busy with company - Kaci was visiting Mama, Papa and I (Hershey) for two weeks. Grammy was with us for a week and went to visit her sister for a week.
Kaci and I hope you had a great 4th of July!
Love -
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
I love you both!
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