Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome Eli!

Remember I had you all consider your bucket list a few posts back? Well, our friends E & B checked off one item from their bucket list by getting a dog! I am pleased to introduce Eli, their new bundle of fur. He was adopted from a rescue and travelled all the way up from Tennessee.

Here he is inspecting the gifts we selected for him:

Chewing on a bully stick....we won't tell his pawrents what they are REALLY made of. Ignorance is bliss occasionally.

Isn't he cute?

Don't worry Eric my sweetie pie, I still only have eyes for you! Plus, we haven't met him pawsonally yet. I have a feeling that mom thought that Riley would have been too overwhelming for him because we all know that I am a perfect angel.

Mom & dad went to meet him yesterday and said that he was a wonderful dog!

Congratulations E & B! Two paws up!
To read more about Eli please check out E & B's blog by clicking HERE.

Monday, July 13, 2009

To be-nign or not to be.

photo: courtesy of Asta Up Over
Thanks to the crack nursing team of Asta, Agatha and Lacie I recovered uneventfully from the recovery from Lacie's smoothies was a different story (see picture below). Thank you to my nursie friends and to my handsome square dog Eric for helping me through my recovery.

Even Riley donned a pair of scrubs to try and help out - frankly I think he was just doing it to try and nab a Lacie smoothie.

Here is a pic of my "franken butt" - mom says that she will remove the stitches for me in a couple of days; just in time for Petey and Rosie's wedding!! Woot!

By the way - my lump that was removed ended up being benign! Phew!
Thanks to all of you for sending your healing vibes!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

As snug as a bug, er...chihueagle


Just a little update to let you all know that I recovered from my plastic surgery and dental procedure. Before I forget thank you all for your pawsitive thoughts. For some reason those "annie"sthetiks drugs made me very sleepy and it took me longer than the average patient to wake up.

Firstly, I told mom that I am not your average chihueagle!! Secondly, I was dreaming of my dear sweet handsome square dog and did not want to wake up - would you wake up if you were dreaming of this??

addendum: okay, I did wake up from my dreams only to answer the celly phone because it was Eric! He called from all the way over the big pee to make sure that I was okay!! THANK YOU!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Plastic surgery?

I hope that all of my American friends had a most wonderful "Indapanties day" yesterday.

A little news. In pawparation for meeting a handsome square dog (some day), I have decided to have a little surgery. Mom says that she is worried about a couple of lumps that I have but I think that it is plastic surgery for Eric. While I am under anesthesia getting my lumps removed I will also have a dental procedure to make my pearly whites glisten.

I cannot wait for Eric to see the new and improved me.

Wish me luck my procedure is tomorrow (Monday).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

HAPPY CANADA DAY! and Tag you're it

Our internet was down so we could not post earlier, however, better late than never so HAPPY CANADA DAY!!

Since Riley is the only canine Canadian he gets to have his picture on the blog today with his maple leaf bandanna on.

Also, a very handsome square from across the big pee suggested that I start a "tag" with my previous post on the "bucket/treat jar list." So in honour of the last hours of Canada day I would like to tag my Canadian blog friends to list their top 5 treat jar list items and post it on their blog.

This means you: Ms. Brador, Clover, Momo & Pinot, Chef and Sparky!!
Feel free to tag anyone you wish.

I would also like to tag "E" (aka Mrs. C) to do the same since it was due to her diagnosis of cancer that got me thinking of the treat jar list to begin with - although she can call it a "bucket list" or "cookie jar list" instead.

addendum-dum: the cat also pointed out that she, too, is Canadian and demanded to have her picture posted in honour of her national holiday.

Please sign my guest book. Woof.