Saturday, August 2, 2008

A loyal friend

This is a picture my mom took of this sweet little dog. He was waiting
ever so patiently outside the grocery store for his PL. Mom was
worried that he was homeless because he did not have a leash or a
collar. However, the store clerk knew who this dog was and even
recognized his PL in the store. Okay friends, a little secret - if I
was left outside a store loose I can guarantee that I would have found
a great scent to follow within the first 10 seconds!! You would not
see me hanging out patiently!!


Duke said...

What a sweet patient waiter he is! We would have been history in 2 seconds if our mom and dad left us standing outside a store while they went inside!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
I've never been without leash while I am out but I think I would not be waiting for my mom like him!
Kisses and hugs

Eric said...

What a cute boy, I can't believe you would leave your Mom Toffee, what would she do without you? Wags, Eric x

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Toffs, Me neither. I would be heading straight into traffic to chase a car with a dog in it. Or baguette. Or something. Hope your mom and dad are still having a great honeymoon!


p.s. Mom has been so busy painting, she hasn't been to the post office yet. Your package might not come until you mom gets back.

the many Bs said...

what a cute little dog, waiting for his PL to come back. we wouldn't do that either.


Charlie Daniels said...

I doubt I would hang around waiting either!



Deefor said...

I only wait there because of the leash. Otherwise I'd follow someone inside. And I'm not always patient. Hard to believe. He is really very good.


Juno said...


We're glad your humans are spending good time in Hawaii. What this little doggie is not a missing one is such a relief! Phew!

Momo & Pinot

Joe Stains said...


Please sign my guest book. Woof.