Thursday, July 31, 2008

Star struck

The other night Mom and Dad took a tour up to the top of Mauna Kea.
The peak of this mountain is the premiere spot to see the stars in the
WORLD! In order to see such beauty they had to brave sub-freezing
temperatures but it was well worth it.

After viewing the sunset and getting a tour of some of the super
serious telescopes, they trekked down the mountain for a tour of the
night sky. One of the sights was a "binary star" system made up of an
older star and a younger star. The tourguide called this the "michael
Douglas and zeta-jones" system.

I am very disappointed that they did not see the Dogstar. Hmph.

Just so you know - I am doing well with Nana and Pops in Maine. Riley
is still behaving himself and is looking forward to spending the
weekend with his buddy Mr. Jack Russell (human).


Amber-Mae said...

Loverly photo!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, dats a bute ti ful pictur...glad u pups r being good...ur mom and dad will bring u back sumthing pawtastic...

b safe,

Deetz said...

What a cool photo....Your pawents must be having a great time!!! I posted about your package today! It was a fabulous package, thank you

Unknown said...

These photos are just gorgeous. Toffee and Riley, I hope Mommy and Dad don't decide to stay in Hawaii and become postcard photographers! Looks like they're having a great time!


Your pal,


Clover said...

Hi you guys! Looks like you are having a GREAT time!! Thanks for sharing pics. :)
Hi Toffee!
Love Clover xo

Chef said...

Glad you're continuing a wonderful honeymoon... c'mon - there's a PERSON called Jack Russell???


Duke said...

What an awesome photo!
Sub-freezing temps??? We're on our way!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Great photo, shame the 2 leggedddeds didn't see the dog star, the best one. Now Rily is going to see a Jack Russell?!! He, he, that's cool.....keep licking those plates Toffee but don't tell Mom..

Wags, Eric

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