Monday, July 21, 2008

The BIG day - part one

Some of you are anxiously awaiting wedding details so without further adieu I shall begin my recount of this past Saturday to the best of my Chihueagle memory.

The day started out like any other day - Riley and I went for our usual morning walk and had our usual breakfast...but told Riley that he needed a bath!  Ha! Can you believe it! I just stood aside and laughed and laughed...poor little drowned rat boy!
I guess all of my laughter made me dirty because...

...I guess I should not have made fun of Riley after all...


Niamh said...

I am so sorry that each of you had to have a bath. They are awful and I think they are cruelty to animals. Hope you got dried off with a big fluffy towel-that is the only part of the bath that I like.

Your friend,

River said...

Baths are not so much fun. I hate to get wet.

Hey, Toffee! I nominated your blog entry Inda-panties-day for post of the month and it won for July!! That was such a funny picture of you.

love & wags,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
The big day deserved a big bath!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Hehehe...that isn't a belated wedding shower for the two of you, was it?

Can't wait to hear the rest!

Charlie Daniels said...

Hey your bath is white? Mine isn't!



Asta said...

I've seen that ovew and ovew, just when we think we escaped the BATH, hehehe..I bet you two wewe wondewfully weady fow the wedding..spawkling and handsome
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, heehee u 2 shooda runned really fast and got away from heard mama tellin daddy me needed a baff and my nails iz lookin fur a place to hide now...

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear.. you both got a bath... But you must be smelling like flowers nice now

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I hate baths! You both don't look all that pleased either...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Holy Moley, Toffee! You did get a soaking, didn't you! Great picture!
So now both of you are clean for the big event!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stacey said...

Oh Toffee, it was worth it!! Your fur felt great, and when I gave you a big hug and kiss later in the evening, you were still smelling really good!!!

Deetz said...

Oh no, the dreaded bath.....aaaack.
Did you get your package yet? You should get it tomorrow for sure, they promised.

Unknown said...

Oh believe you me, I look FAR less dignified in the bathtub. All my nice scruffy hair lies flat against my face and my legs look like chicken legs in need of a barbeque grill! Just awful...

But it was worth it, right???

Your pal,


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Toffee and Riley -

A bath? You both got a bath?!? You both look cute after a bath. As for Kaci and I we look like a bunch of drowned rats.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Juno said...

Toffee and Riley! Both of you look very cute in the bath! :) We're looking to hear more about the BIG DAY!!

Momo & Pinot

Fenway said...

Hi Toffee--

Your Bride Mom is so beautiful! I am nominating you for an award to help you feel better from our bath. Check my blog to see!

Your pal,

Eric said...

Bet you both looked all sparkly and white for the white wedding. Did you get some eau-de-dog put on you too?
Wagging, ERic

Deetz said...

Its okay Toffee, I know you have been really busy with the wedding and stuff....
Paw hugs my lil friend

Agatha and Archie said...

You are kidding!!! They made you take a bath!!!!!! Well we guess it was a pretty big day.....Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

what in the heck do you need a bath for!??

Please sign my guest book. Woof.