Monday, July 28, 2008


This is mom & dad reporting from Hawaii. Below is a picture of molten
lava entering the ocean.what a spectacular sight!

We did a 10 mile race around a volcano and dad won a prize for placing
3rd in his division.

Toffee is currently relaxing in Maine and says hi!


Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, wow, watta vacation...congrats to dad fur winnin his race...

b safe,

Stanislaw said...

So you guys try to escape this scary thing called Race too? My humans do that. It's spooky.

Agatha and Archie said...

Have a wonderfull time!! Love A+A+PL2

Lorenza said...

Glad you are having a pawesome Honeymoon!
Kisses and hugs

Sophie Brador said...

Volcanoes are scarey, but very cool. So glad you got to see it. Congrats on the race dad!


i said...

How nice of your mom to be doing some hula hula in Hawaii with your dad! That's a beautiful picture.

Duke said...

Congratulations to your dad! What an awesome photo!
Keep enjoying your honeymoon!
Hi Toffee and Riley *waving paws furiously*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

Hope you are having a glorious time and congratulations on the race. Did Toffee and Riley get their package from me yet? Gosh I sure hope so

Juno said...

OMD, we thought this was a shot from the National Geographic Channel. Your DAD (no more Dad2b!) won the race?? Congratulations!!

Momo & Pinot

Eric said...

Wow, fab photo. Hope you are having a wonderful time. Congratulations to Toffee and Riley's Dad on the race!Say hi to Toffee for me... miss her!

Wags, Eric

Charlie Daniels said...

Did you run so fast you set the place on fire?



Deetz said...

I got your package.....IT was glorious!!!! I knew it was for me when my mum brought it in. Gizmo hasn't been eating for the past couple of days and I saw the lil box of snackies for him and gave him one. He scarfed it down!!! So I gave him more and more. My mum was so happy he ate those. It was the perfect gift ever! I will post about my package probably tomorrow, my mum forgot the camera on the counter.
PAW Hugs my friends

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow!! that was a magnificent view from hawaii

Chef said...

Continue having a beautiful honeymoon! Thanks for sharing.


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