Thursday, July 3, 2008

Breakfast at Sniffany's?? (warning: graphic)

What?? Mom, why are you looking at me like that? I am sorry, okay??
To my readers...remember about a month ago mom & dad2b brought me a little blue box from Sniffany's??  
Well this morning I wanted to find out exactly WHAT was in my Sniffany's I started to investigate (mom here - don't you mean destroy??)
An action they really make these Sniffany's boxes very sturdy!  
This is like trying to get to the center of a Tootsie pop...
....nothing that a little determination cannot overcome....
I did it! I did it! Hmph...not as tasty as a Tootsie pop but fun nonetheless.  Now let me check this little white bag for a little something sparkly and special.  Maybe there's a five carrot ring! Yummy, I like carrots! Or maybe a lucky charm bracelet...
Heyyy!  Where's my sparkly jewel from Sniffany's?? This just looks like stuffie guts!!
Oh well.  At least I still have my Dog Perignon...
...sixteen days to go...


Stanislaw said...

Big Pupi has Dog Perignon too! He refuses to gut his toys though and punishes me when I try. Where's the fun in that?! You look like a pup that likes to have a good time. Nice work on the Sniffany's. I like your style.

Unknown said...

Now Toffee, how angry can Mommy get about you "opening" your Sniffany's box? If she opened one of those robin's egg blue boxes and only found a bunch of cotton, I can guarantee she would NOT be happy!

Are you practicing your wedding march?

Your pal,


Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee...heehee u shure did surgery on dat stuffie...did u ever find the surprise?

b safe,

River said...

There should have been a ring in there, right? Maybe made out of rawhide or biscuit material, SOMEthing should have been in there, not just stuffie guts. Bummer.

Joe Stains said...

dang, what a rip off! Too bad there wasn't a diamond in there, you could trade it for MORE stuffies!

Lizzy said...


Oh my goodness, your toy exploded too?! Man, I think we should stop this surgery business before someone (other than the stuffie) gets hurt!


Duke said...

How disappointing! We were expecting something fabulous! I bet you were too, Toffee! We guess the Dog Perignon will have to do!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Fenway said...

You are tres chic, Toffee. I love all your toys.

Glad you liked the video. Sappy...sure. But it's a big old lovefest in my den.

Did you get the basketball reference to my new Big Baby nickname?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
Sorry you found just white stuff inside you Sniffany box!
Are ypu planning to do something with that bottle??
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Hey Toffee. Maybe you swallowed the contents of the Sniffany's box. You may have to check out your ... you know, when you go outside...

Hey, pop that cork and let's share a drinky!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. I wonder where's the sparkling carrot gone. Will you get a new box of sniffany?

~ Girl girl

i said...

Oh, only white stuff inside? That's a bit disappointing.

Dexter said...

Sure, the box just had stuffie in it, but the opening sure looked like fun.


Agatha and Archie said...

Way to go girl!! Done with true terrier finesse...what we want to know is....time of destruction???????Love A+A

Niamh said...

Stuffies are for destroying but I can see why you were disappointed that there was no surprise inside the fancy Sniffany's box. I think you should return it to Sniffany and see if they will put something better inside!

Your friend,

Juno said...

Toffee!!! I, Momo let my brudders' eyes closed due to the warning! :D

Ohhhhhh Sniffany's box is gone!!

Enjoy your long weekend!

Momo & Pinot

ps: A big day is coming SOON...!!!!! :)

Eric said...

Toffee. How disappointing no bling inside the box. You need to take it back and ask for a refund. When are you opening the Champers? I'm partial to a bubbly or two....

Wagging, Eric x

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