Thursday, July 24, 2008

The BIG day - quattro or part D

Well as you can see the wedding day was a success!  Unfortunately, my brother the "streaker" didn't stay in his suit long enough for my mom to see him in it on the actual wedding day!  Knowing this, my mom had the idea to take our formal photos a week earlier - the above picture is the best of the bunch.

Probably by the time you all read this my mom and dad will be on their honeymoon in Hawaii. 
We will be with our Nana and Pops in Maine and in Marblehead being spoiled with leftover dinner plates to lick and long walks.

But wait! What would a wedding be without cake?!!
                          photo: Demetri Productions
Now look carefully...did you notice the paw prints adorning the side of the cake??  Plus it tasted deee-lish...strawberries and cream...yummmy!  (I asked for liver flavor but mom said she got to choose the flavor since she was paying for the cake - this is neglect I tell you)

I will leave you with a couple of our favorite pictures
                                    photo: Demetri Productions
One happy family...
                                             photo: Demetri Productions

You may now kiss the bride...
                                                 photo: Demetri Productions

Mom and DAD (no longer dad 2b)
                                     photo: Demetri Productions

I apologize that I will not be able to check your blogs while I am away with my Nana and Pops. I hope you don't mind but I have given my mom and my friend Cinnaspy permission to post on my blog while she is in Hawaii (through mobile blogging).

Thank you all for your loving comments and I will see you when I am back from Vacay!

Pee-ess: Don't forget to send Lenny your Pawlimpic entries!!

Pee-pee-ess: If you want to see the full set of official photos you can click here
Next click on the "login" button in the upper right corner.  Go to "view events" and go to the "Alett & Hugh" event.  The password is: Mekler


Charlie Daniels said...

Brilliant .. absolutley brilliant



Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, me loves the picturs of u 2, heehee and the lottle paws and top of the cake...ur mom and DAD, look pawtastic...cant git the other picturs to load, but its prolly my fault, mamas puter iz being nasty to us...hurry home...

b safe,

Duke said...

OMG, that cake is the ultimate! When do we dig in?!
Your mom and dad look so happy in all of the photos! We're thrilled for them! We hope they have an awesome honeymoon and we hope you guys get spoiled rotten at your nana and pops!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lenny said...

Thanks for sharing those pictures! We looked at all of them! It looks like it was a really wonderful time. And you're so FAMOUS!!! You're ON THE SODA!!!!! We are super impressed.

Your friend, Lenny

Deetz said...

Your pawents are beautiful all dressed up in front of alllll that water...Its a good thing I was not there, cuz mum says you cannot wear white around me at all...
Crossing my fingers you got your package with the surprise in it before they left for vaca.

Sophie Brador said...

I love the photo your mom took. And the one the pupparazi took, almost looks like a Renaissance painting. You two are the most adorable. Hopefully, mom will get her act together to get your package out this weekend and it will be waiting for you when you get home. Have fun with the g-parents!


Eric said...

Toffee, the most doglightful post! Thank you , how happy you all look. And the Cake!! Oh the cake!! How FAB was that!!I wish your Mom and Dad a wonderful time in Hawai and you of course with Nana and Pops, Lick those plates Toffe - make the most of it. Send me your addy remember when you get back home. Big wags n kisses, Eric xxx

Now I'm off to look at the photies...

Eric said...

I've checked out the photos- wow just FAB- a-dab-a doo!!!! Your Mum and new Dad make such a handsome couple and with you two doggies what could be better? I loved the Jones Soda with your own brand label and the ones of you and your Momi looking at each other and you and Riley all dressed up and looking through the railings...pawsome, pawsome. Thank you thats was lovely..I had me a teensy sob cos so happy... Wags, Eric x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Toffee and Riley -

The pictures are fantastic. You and Riley looked "spiffied up" for the big day (even though the pictures were taken a week earlier). We hope your "pawrents" enjoy their honeymoon and we can't wait to hear about your vacation when you get back.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee and Riley!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
You two gave your Mom and Dad a beautiful present!
You own soda?? pawesome!
Happy Honeymoon!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

You guys look great in your wedding outfits. And you actually chose a day when it wasn't raining! Way to go!


Agatha and Archie said...

OH PL2 got wicked leaky eyes when she saw the picture of you and your Mom kissing!! Love and kisses A+A

Unknown said...

Toffee's Mommy - I don't know if you're checking in but if so, Mommy's friend in Maui emailed both of us back and can be very helpful!!!

Your pal,


Chef said...

Hey kids, you are absolutely adorable in your formalwear. And your parents are a beautiful couple. We especially loved the kiss the bride pic. That's so SWEET!!

Have a good blogbreak.
See you when you come back.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Wooooooo!!!!! Awesome pictures! I can't wait to hear about your life with your mom and dad when they get home!!!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Joe Stains said...

That cake is SO CUTE!!! you guys all looked so great.

the many Bs said...

those are some wonderful photos. we like you in your dress up clothes. you two look very classy.

our favorite photos are "you may kiss the bride" and the last one. your mom & dad are very cool humans. you can tell them that we said that.

your parents were so thoughtful to include you two in the ceremony, photos, cake, etc. that's the way a family should be.



Niamh said...

You two look gorgeous in your wedding finery and so do your parents!!!

The cake looks amazing and I bet it was chop-licking good. Wishing you all lots of happiness.

Your friend,

Asta said...

I know you awe having a faboolous time wif youw gwanpawents..And youw pawents awe having a ball in Hawaii!!
Those pictoowes awe amazing!! I love the cake and youw outfits, and the kiss!
I'm so happy fow you!
love and smoochie kisses

Juno said...

Toffee and Riley!! Thank you so much for sharing many bootiful photos! All the photos look pawsome, pawsome!!! We LOVE that wedding cake!!! It's so nice to see many happy faces!

Momo & Pinot

Deefor said...

That is a wonderful cake and you guys look very formal. Pawsome pictures.


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