All week my mom has been a "flutter" with excitement about meeting a certain DWB celebrity on Friday. I seriously had no clue what she was talking about since we have already had splendid encounters with Agatha & Archie, Momo & Pinot, Ms. Sophie Brador, and the Pawlimpic CEO - Lenny. What on earth could she be rambling on about?
After work on Friday night we made the trek to Rhode Island - are we going to see a Rhode-E-shun ridgeback? No. Riley tried to figure it out by reading the sign
but he realized that he cannot read. Next he tried to read some pee-mail on a fire hydrant.
No luck.
Finally we arrived at our destination - and who were the DWB celebrities you may ask?? They were none other than Asta's mommi & daddi!!!
(I think that Asta's mommi looks a lot like the lady in the painting behind them!)
Can you believe it!!! I got to meet Asta's mommi & daddi!! Look at me!
Okay, I was a little shy and aloof at first because I was eyeing the hors d'oeuvres in the distance. I did warm up eventually - but truth be told I was very overwhelmed by meeting such a celebrity!
...oh yes...and look at Riley...he always has to get in on the action...
Asta's pawrents were such lovely people! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to meet them. I couldn't help thinking that it was the pawfect meeting...except for one impawtent missing element...