Four years ago, on October 4th, my mom had to say goodbye to Bagel. Bagel was mom's first dog and the canine love of her life; her doggy soulmate. She adopted Bagel from a shelter in the city where she went to professional school. Unfortunately, they only had three and a half years together before Bagel succumbed to heart disease.
On a happy note - October 4th is also my grandma's birthday - sending out a heartfelt Happy Birthday shout out to my grandmother Sue! Woof.
We understand. Bagel sounds like a heart dog to us. Isn't she lucky to have you now. (But we never forget. They take a little piece of our heart with them when they go)
Hugs and thanks for sharing a pic of Bagel!
pee ess Happy Birthday to your Grandma!!
Bagel must have had the happiest thwee yeaws evew wif you Mom..it's the quality not the quantity that counts my Mommi says..And Bagelwill cewtainly always be pawt of hew heawt!what a doll!
hope youw Gwama has a vewy Happy Birfdy!!!! Yep, my hawness is a gentle leadew one,and pawfect fow us stubbown pully doggies, hehe
smoochie kisses
I'm so sorry to hear about Bagel, I'm sure he was such a wonderful dog! He will be remembered...
Happy Birthday to your grandma!
w00f's Toffee and Riley, what a sweet little puppy...its sooo hard on them when they lose us...happy birfday to u g-ma sue...
b safe,
Hi, Toffee!
Loved friends are never forgotten.
Happy Birthday to your Grandma!
Kisses and hugs
Aw,gentle nuzzles to your Mom Toffee. Bagel was one lucky Pup.
And happy Birthday to your Grandma!
Wiry wags, Eric
He,he hall I teach you those dance moves? Or would you prefer to foxtrot? !
He looked like an adorable boy.......Happy Birthday to you Grandma!!! PL2 got her new time plan and will write you some times!! Love A+A
Bagel was adorable. I am glad he got to spend some good, happy years with your Mom. Happy Birthday gramma!!
... and I reckon it was the best time of Bagel's life too! Happy Birthday to your Grandma :-)
PeeEss: Thanks Thanks Thanks ...
The important thing is that his last years were wonderful. My mom also had a doggie soulmate--named Ghillie (follower of a chieftain in Gaelic). As much as she loves all of us now, she said Ghillie was like a symbiote--they went everywhere together. Bagel was so lucky to have such love at the end. Happy birthday to your grandma!
love & wags,
What a sweet expression Bagel had. I'm sure that your mom misses him very much. My person is very fond of beagles since her first dog was a beagle named Holly.
Your friend,
We love Bagel's name! What a sweet face!
Happy birthday to your grandma! October 4th is my grandpa's birthday!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bagel looks like an angel dog...so beautiful. There is never enough time, but we should always appreciate however much time we have together. Please give your mum hugs and big slobbery kisses from me, please.
Deetzy Boy
Gee Toffee..
It's always sad when ya have ta say goodbye ta someone ya love...Bagel sounds like a very special doggie....but then so are you....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
We are sorry to hear about Bagel. We are sure Bagel had a great life with your Mom.
Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandma. October 4, is also my (Hershey) Grandma's birthday.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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