The other day mom and dad ran the Boston half marathon. The day before we went on a little adventure to scout out the race and to pick up their numbers at the registration tent. Above is a picture of us on our way to public transportation.
The "T" was a little crowded so dad had to carry me - notice he also has a mug of coffee!

We helped our pawrents pick up their race number at the registration tent:
There were a lot of helpful people there...but not a lot of treats...
Is this not the most giant water bottle you have ever seen?!
The is what the finish line looked like:

...I decided to mark the spot just in case my pawrents got lost....

Thanks to me they did not.
Do you ride on the T a lot? I think it would be too scary for me.
Good day for a long walkie. Glad you marked the spot, though, cause peoples can tend to get lost.
Did you sniff out all the shortcuts! ;-)
Good job on marking the finish line. Bet they would still be wandering around if you hadn't!!
(Is a T another name for a bs? Mom says maybe trolly??? we don't know)
bus we mean (not bs oops)
Oh Toffee, how helpful are you?! Did you wait at the finish line for your parents?
Love Clover xo
wow, Tanner would totally try to eat that water bottle. I think that would turn out really badly.
You get to ride on the T??? WOW! Not sure what would happen here in da Burgh if we got on a bus or something...
That water bottle was ginourmous...it would even fill Stan's bowl in one pouring!
Did you have fun with A & A today? Wish we would have been there too!!!!!
Love ya lots!
Hi, Toffee!
Sure your mom and dad appreciated that you had marked the spot!
Kisses and hugs
Wow yer Mom 'n Dad are super cool ta run in the marathon...even 1/2 of one...Gram says she couldn't run ta save 'er life anymore 'n she used ta play basketball 24 X 7....course that was many years ago....gee I think I hurt 'er feelings' now ......
DO ya know how hard it is ta read those word verification letters after ya had yer night-time bedtime wine????? oooyyyvey
Dewey dewster here...
Woh that's so cool and that sure is the biggest bottle of water I've ever seen
~ Girl girl
Wooo- th 2 leggededs did the Boston Marathon? How cool. Specially if they drank that whole bottle of water, would make them run fast as fast for the finishing line, he,he!!! I had to avert my eyes at the last picture...um talking of pictures I think Lacie is sending you a picture? Nice froxie but I'm having a memory relapse over it and Mom is giggling and giggling at Dewey's remark cos she always thinks that too (whatever that means).
Wiry wags, Eric (and his Mom still laughing) x x
Bet the run was alot of fun! That's a really monster size water bottle!!! I wonder how many normal sized water bottles will equal to that? Hmm...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That is one cool water bottle! What a fun toy that would make!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Toffee... The marking you made is definitely helpful! Mom & dad, good luck for The half marathon!!
We tell you our secret. Our dad used two software (Nicon NX and Photoshop) to do some sort of magic thingy on our brudder's photos... hehehe.
Momo & Pinot
My folks get confused after spending 6 years in Boston then suddenly having to call the train the "El." What gives? AND us canines can't ride the El! Lame-O.
Who is this Marathon guy that all the humans keep running from? My folks run away from him too! Confused.
PS- Socks are still in it...
hi Toffee, congrats to your parents for running the 1/2 marathon. that's pretty cool. it's a good thing that you helped them to get registered.
Dogs are allowed on the T? Pawesome! I want to come back to Boston soon!
Your parents do such cool stuff. Congratulations again to them!!
Your friend, Lenny
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