While there I just did a lot of this

And this
...wondering when I will get to speak to dear, sweet Eric again...sigh....
Riley did a lot of this

...and tried to do a little of this...actually A LOT of this so we had to leave (he really needs those lessons from Lacie girl on how to be a gentleman!!)...

Mazie was visibly upset when we had to leave. See you again!
(addendum: mom is not so sure that she wants to go back there because she unknowingly stepped in dog poop!)
Hey Toffee, I'll call you tonight ok? Wasn't it fun to run off your lead? You look so pretty in profile..aw those earsie..
Mazie is a cutie and boy those labradoodles are so smart.Hope Riley didn't get you thrown out with that naughty game? Better get Lacie over double quick.And Asta to do some cleaning for them.
Wags n kissies, Eric xxxxxx
w00f's Toffee and Riley, heehee tell u mama to leave a sign, "pick up after ur dog"...looks like u meeted sum pawsome friends..
b safe,
Yep....hidden dog poo is a known danger.....ya need ta sniff around ta make sure there's none around....Pap is tryin' ta get Toby ta tell 'em where the poo is in the backyard......hasn't happened yet.....
Hope ya got ta talk ta Eric, Toffee....Later....
Dewey Dewster here....
It drives me crazy when people don't pick up after us at the dog park. Sorry your mom had to step in it.
Glad you had a good run and sniff.
Your friend,
Mazie is a beauty, for sure. Labradoodles are pawesome! Looks like you all had a grrrrEAT time at the park!
If your human likes dogs, then she's gotta learn to live with dog poop. That's just the way of life, my friend.
Hi, Toffee!
Glad you had a nice time at the dog run!
So, your mom had a poopy shoe?
Kisses and hugs
We love going to the dog park to run! It is so much fun! You look like you had a great time!
Your new friend is very cute! Hope you had a splendid time!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Toffee!
It sounds like you had a fun time! Sorry about the poop on your mom's shoe though... humans don't like that kind of thing I guess...
Love Clover xo
ooh. Dog poop is gross. I don't like it at all and my mom is sure tired of it. I've still got the runs. She thought I was getting better and then today, bam! Back full steam ahead. We're off to the vet pretty soon. Sure hope they fix me.
Oh.. that sure looks like a fun meetup.
~ Bae
Riley, Riley...
Now we met at Starbucks this past Wednesday and I was HOPING you might be practicin' some of the lessons we discussed. Ahem...sounds like you were doin' some practicin' of the naughty kind....
Practice these techniques on Toffee...
Allow the lady dog to precede you throught the door.
Hold her chair out before she sits.
Stand when she comes into the room.
Please allow her to sniff you first.
If she has a bone or a toy and ya want it, you better come up with somethin' better to trade with...
No amour on till the third date and certainly not in the dog park with a stranger...GOOD HEAVENS, RILEY...WHAT WERE YOU THINKIN'?????
Lacie sighs...this could be a tough case.
Now practice....hear me???
Not to Mom...
It's better to walk with head down at the park, than up...and wear crocs...they're washable....heh heh heh heh heh....
Kisses to Toffee Girl!!!
HAHAHAH it must be a local thing!! PL1 stepped it in too and it has taken him ALONG time to get rid of it!!!!!!! PL2's ankle is better but it isn't healing as fast as she would like..WE HAVEN"T BEEN ANYWHERE BUT LOCAL ANS IIT IS KILLING US!!!!! Love A+A
hi Toffee, that dog run looks like a ton of fun. we always love to run off leash. we love to sniff all of the good dog smells too.
Hello Toffee and Riley! OMD, we haven't visited you for so long! We had to scroll down a lot and just got caught up. It's nice to see many familiar faces in NYC.
We're glad you had a fun time at dog run. Boston seems a lot warmer than Toronto. Can you believe it's -10c today?
Momo & Pinot
OH poopyshoes! Yuck. Even I don't like stepping in poop so I can imagine your Mama was pretty upset. We have the same problem at our park... some humans are just dumb.
Glad you had fun running offleash, though. Isn't that just the best?
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