Well by the time you read this every doggie blogger will have celebrated - I hope Santa was good to you all! Santa must not have been informed about the NUMEROUS times I snuck into the kitty litter box because he was VERY good to me! I was also very lucky to be spoiled by my Nana & Pops and by a very sweet and special wire foxy terrier who is **sigh** near and dear to my heart.
Thank you all for being my friend. I wish you good health and plentiful yummilicious treats in the year to come!!

Hi, Toffee!
Merry Christmas to you and all your family!
Glad you got nice presents!
Thanks for being my friend!
Kisses and hugs
Big Kisses and hugs to you Toffee!! Merry Xmas!!
Oh you both are just so sweet together!
Still celebrating,
Solid Gold Dancer
w00f's Toffee and Riley, me hopes u both had a pawsome christmass..heehee and got lots of treats and toys..
b safe,
Hey T & R, Hope you had a great holiday!
Happy holidays to you all! We hope Santa was good to you, Toffee and Riley!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Gee ya both look so cute in yer Santa outfits.....hope yer Christmas was Merry and bright and that ya get ta smootch with yer furry honey in the New Year.....
Ya can always dream of it anyway....
Dewey Dewster here....
You guys are so incredibly cute. I hope you had a great Christmas.
Awww, that is the most cutest photo of you and your bro...mademe go all silly, (Mom too hAAA!)
I'm sending you loads of wiry kissies and manly hugs to Riley. Thanks you Toffee for making my year special and for being my everso very special girl. Um..***blush****...you are ...err...my girl..???
Wags n kisses,
Eric xxxxx
Toffee, I think Santa must think it's wagging that we are SOOOOOO grateful for ALL the poopie presents our kittie brothers and sisters kindly leave for us in the litter tray ...mmmmm dogalicious... need to go and get me my Christmas ones....Haaaaaaa!!!!! Eric xxx
Pees s- Bet Petey agrees!!
Have a VERY happy New Year, Toffee. I see Santa lingered a long time in your den and left you tons of presents!
Your pal,
Hope you had a wonderfull holiday!! Here's to the new year and lots of walkies together!! Love and a million kisses A+A
Toffee and Riley, awwww... these are lovely pictures!!! You two look so sweet!
Momo & Pinot
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