but I was too interested in my lamb stuffie. But then dad told me that they were kitty litter flavoured. I knew that Eric would more than appreciate kitty litter breath so I decided to try one.

The horror! They were minty NOT kitty litter flavoured! Dad tricked me! But I finished it anyway in hopes that Eric would appreciate my effort.

(Personally I think the gift was really for Riley so I persuaded him to give it a go)

In addition to all the aforementioned gifts Sophie also sent us special Quebecoise bandanas! Here is a picture of me with my bandana:

Unfortunately, Riley was not so conducive to wearing a Fleur de lis bandana

...little separatist!...
Merci beaucoup Sophie!!

Toffee, my sweetie!! Ahhh, there you are. Duper dooper gifts from Sophie. Love the banana. And he heee the Fido Mints!! Sophie is so thoughtfull....but Toffee, what a great idea. I can get Kitty Litter Dog Breath Mints manufactured for you. You can sell them or we can buy them from you to add to the Eco Spa Dog Range!!!!! Launch them on Valentines Day for you. Every dog'll go crazy for them.
Brains and beauty pupcake, what a pawfect combination!!! Get a big piggy bank ready... this'll make you as rich as me and Petey are going to be!!!!!
Wags n kissies Eric xxxxxxxxxx
Er TTTofffeeee does your remark mmmean you will go on a dd date with mmmmm mmm mmmm me? WOOOHOOO!!!
What a sacwifice fow Eric..Mints?????yuck, but I would have taken them too fow loves sake..I know he will love you even mowe fow it..
That banan is soo exquisite..soo becoming..I don't believe riley wouldn't weaw it..Sophie is a lovely , genewous fwiend.
smoochie kisses
Hi, Toffee!
Sophie sent you great presents!
Those Fido Mints sound interesting!
Kisses and hugs
Kitty litter flavored mints?! hehehehe Your dad is very tricky, Toffee!
Your bandana is just gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Toffee and Riley, what great pressie Sophie sented u 2...and the bandana looks georgous on u...hmm me not ever had a mint...
b safe,
Great presents. And you look very stylish in your bandana. Too bad about the mints. Kitty litter flavor has great potential.
Your friend,
When is your date? I don't think you need breath mints. He will want to be sniffing whatever sweet foodables you last consumed.
Oh my...look at that last comment by Eric...now Toffee...you really hafta set a date for this date...how bout Valentine's Day?? Somethin' womantic??
And you certainly don't NEED breath minties thought they are yummers to eat...Scruffy musta already manufactured the Dog Poop Breath Mints...he always has a certain odor/aura about his person...er about his dog.....um...or whatever...
So...let me know how ur date plans are coming...
Hugs and kissies...
Nice toy!
I think its a good sign she didn't send ME any minty bones! My breath must be pawesome. I think you look great in your bandananana. Riley might warm up to his...
Toffee...nursing case at Axel's blog...( see our blog for his link...Wiry Axel)...his mom's been very sick...he wants the nurses to come...can you help out with some shifts????
Pack ur bag...I have the blender...
Nice gifts you doggies got there
~ Bae
Toffee and Riley!!
Ohhh.. Sophie sent you lots of lots of pressies!! How nice she is. We really love the Quebecois bandana! We giggled when we read how good your dad was to trick you. :D We would also try kitty litter flavoured goodies if our dad tells us. hehehe....
Momo & Pinot
Hi Sweet Toffee and Riley
Hope you had a fantastical weekend.
I have an awawd fow you. pleez come and pick it up
smoochie kisses
What lovely gifts from Sophie!
My Boston Buddies! I'm so sorry I missed this post. Mom is just always busy these days. And now she has a bad cold from all her students. I wish she would got to the vet and get fixed up, but she says she isn't allowed to go to the vet. I think she's just scared.
We laughed really hard at the separatist joke. Don't forget to pull those bananas out in June for St. Jean Baptiste day. A good excuse for your mom to give you a beer me thinks. Rather, Je prende! Tell her the vet says its good for you. ha ha ha ha ah aha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
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