...but I didn't want to wreck my nails so I asked an unsuspecting bystander to help...

Wow! Would you look at the haul that the divine Ms. Brador sent!! Of course Riley had to stick his nose into my business when he saw all the cool gifts...

Mom and Dad said that it was rude to inspect the gifts without opening the card first - but I just could not help myself!

The card was addressed to both my brother and myself (I think Sophie was just being nice trying to include Riley cause I don't remember him being that nice to her when she was visiting us last summer! ahm!).
As much as I wanted to read the card to see what Ms. Brador had to say I had this irrefutable force drawing me to the plethora of stuffies

not to mention the FuBerry phone and iPaw music device!

Rrrring! Rrrring! Allo? Sophie?

...Sophie's gift will continue in the next post...
Ahhh...so chic my Toffee sweetie. What glamorous and generous gifts from Ms.Brador. Can't wait for part two. Will bark at you later on your furberry when the leggededs are asleep,he,he!!
Wags n kissies, Eric xxxxx
Hi Toffee! You signed our guestbook a while back but there was no link....we didn't know how to find you! Anyway....we just stumbled on your blog (not even sure how) It's nice to meet you!
Hi, Toffee!
Sophie sent you pawesome presents!
I hope you are sharing them with your brother!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
girl, are we glad to see Toffee back on line. thought maybe she was too cold to write anything.
nana and pops.
Amazing presents. Stuffies are the best. Hope you have lots of fun with them.
Your friend,
Wow! You got a handphone & ipaw! I am sooo jealous...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Toffee...A FURBERRY??? Oh my...I am just soooo jelly!!! I want to commend you on ur great restraint from ruinin' ur nails and not tearin' into Ms. Brador's pressie...not many girls would be able to hold off...no wonder why you have Eric nibblin' at ur ears...you are such a lady!!
Oh my...of course you can come and play in our Jamaica tubby before your date with Eric...I can blow dry ur fur and assist you with your makeup also...bring several outfits or even better, we can go shoppin' beforehand...oh Toffee...that would be so much fun!!!
That Eric adores you, Girl!!
Love and kissies...
OMG your own blackberry!!!! Now we have to get one!! Imagine how handy that will be!! If we had one we could text each other! We miss y ou guys..Pl2 is all better and now Arch's back is a little wonky...OH BROTHER...lvoe and a million kisses A+A PS PL1 took us to JPond and turned around as it was all dirt and ice.....grrrrrr
My girlfriend is SO cool, sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am. Give us a ring sometime on that fab phone!!
Sophie was really sweet to send you those wonderful gifts. we are so jealous of your iPaw and phone. you are a very cool dog to get great gifts like that!
You are a very spoiled girl! So many admirers!
Mom always makes us read the cards first too! It's such a pain when the pressie is just waiting to be opened! Nice blackberry stuffie! Be careful you don't get yelled at when your mom's phone bill goes skyhigh! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Canadian stuffies! Ooo la la!
I'm so glad you opening your pressie!!! I don't hold a grudge against Riley. If every dog I was snarly with (and worse) held a grudge against me, I'd never be able to leave my house. I can be quite the grump sometimes. I admire Riley's hutzpaw.
Have fun with your new stuffies!
Those are the coolest presents ever!! Can't wait for part dieux!
love & wags,
Gee pressies are everywhere and Christmas is over too....hope ya enjoy 'em...
Dewey Dewster here....
Wow, what cool pressies! It's so sweet of Sophie to send you such great gifts!
Those are such pawsome gifts. ;)
~ Bae
Hi Toffee!
What pawesome pressies from Sophie! She is such a thoughtful friend. :)
Love Clover xo
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