Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day weekend in Vermont

Last weekend mom & dad made my brother and I go to Vermont.  I begged and pleaded to stay in the city because my friends were coming to visit...but all of my cries fell on deaf ears and we were smuggled away.  They said that our friend Gator was running a marathon and he needed our support.  At least we got to visit my friends "Ben & Jerry" (see picture above).

We tried to go on a tour but apparently dogs are not allowed.  Sheesh.  I was so upset that I had to go to the ladies room to regain my composure.

We did get to see this interesting site - the flavor graveyard.  I was a wee bit scared and wished that Eric Square was around to hold my paw.

Check out these flavors that have gone over the Rainbow sorbet bridge:

Maybe they should think about bringing economic crunch back?

Addendum:  We would also like to wish our friend Ms. Sophie Brador a very happy 10th barkday!!!


Eric said...

Sorry that you didn't stay in the city and you had to support gulp...Gator. Crickey wouldn't like to see him running towards me......

Now your other friends Ben and Jerry - wouldn't let you go on the tour? Wagging shame. Some friends. As for the Sorbet bridge (teehee!) yep they need to bring all them delish flavours back. I've got a new flavour for them to bring out too. Toffee Scrumptious.. but only for consumption by me..heeee!!!

Snoggies and lovies your boy Eric xxxxx

Fred said...

Looks like great fun! (And was there iiiice creeeeeam involved?)

Niamh said...


Please tell me that you at least got a taste of the ice cream.

Your friend,

Dexter said...

Too bad you missed the big party with the Goober and everything, but you did get to visit a most famous ice cream place. I hope you at least got a little bit.


Molly the Airedale said...

Asta and Stanley and Sophie told us that you were in VT for the weekend! You were missed, guys!
OMG, this would be like a dream come true to visit Ben and Jerry's! We hope you both got a cone to yourselves - you did, right?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

I suwe wish you and riley could have been thewe when I visited..I missed you two vewy much.
I'm suwe if you just think of youw sweet Eric, you'll feel bwavew
smoochie kisses

Juno said...

Toffee!! Sorry to hear that doggies are not allowed on the tour! Aha! How dear?? We ALL love ice cream and we're sure we support B & J's business! :D We heard Vermont is very boootiful place. We'd love to visit there one day.

Yahhh... We're happy that your pawrents are coming to T.O. soon!! Our little human pup is very demanding and our pawrents can't leave the house before noon-ish. :( Mmmmm.... Our mom will email your mom shortly!

Momo & Pinot

Joe Stains said...

We sure are sad you missed the big DWB meetup, but it looks like Vermont is pretty cool!!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Toffee and Riley -

Did you at least get a taste of ice cream?!? We hope so.

The pictures of Vermont look pawtastic. We hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Agatha and Archie said...

we think we should boycott the ice cream because they wouldn't let you guys go on the tour.... What PL? She says she loves you both a lot but she doesn't know if she could do it... Love and kisses A+A se you in aobut 3 years?!!!!

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Toffee.....

Thay have a graveyard fer ice cream flavors gone ta the bridge ??? wonder the economy is in such dire shape....

Dewey Dewster here...

Juno said...

Hello Toffee & Riley! Our mom and dad really want to day thank you to make our day! We had a pawsome time with your mom & dad and we REALLY hope to see you in pawson soon!!!

Momo & Pinot

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi friends!
I have missed you! I have a new blog now; please come meet my new brother! If you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
P.S. Your trip looked fun! We are going to Vermont in August!

Please sign my guest book. Woof.