Okay, let me try and open this baby...

How many licks do you think it takes to get to the center of a goodie box?? Seriously.

This is taking FUR-ever....MOM!!

Oh cool! Look at all of this stuff!

...I need to take a much closer look...

Let's see a container that holds poopy bags...oh, that is for my mom...Fenway, she says thank you! You know once she ran out of bags and had to pick up the poop with her mitten! Luckily there was snow on the ground so she could make a giant snow-poop-ball...but that is a story for another day...
Ooh! A note from Fenway...

Yee-ha! A squeaky hotdog toy! Lemme see it!

What? There's more?

Oooh! A green ball that mom can put treats in...hurry up mom! Put a treat in it for me!

Back to the hotdog squeaky toy...

...I am getting tired...let me lay down for a little nap....

...zzzzz...thank you Fenway.....zzzzz....

Wow, that was a great goodie bag....How great was that!!! Just in time too. I am so glad you got lots of fun stuff in there....
Fenway suwe sent you gweat pwessies...isn't it fun to get them???
You awe so cute sneeoing on youw hot dog..thanks fow saying Mommi's paintings awe nice...
love you
smoochie kisses
You got your package already! That's GRRRReat! The stuff inside it looks wonderful, hee hee... I bet you're really enjoying the presents!
Ha ha ha ha WE LOVE the pic with you on the hot dog and that sly glance to the side....sooooo coy!!! GREAT stuff!! WE got ours too and will post on it today!!! Isn't this fun!!! Love A+A
OOOH, Toffee, lots of goodies there - you look cute but funny with the hot dog when your going a zzzzzzzzzzzz. I've got a hamburger toy just like that Mom with lettuce and tomato and burger got for me in A Merry Car - it's still in one piece nearly a year later!! Impressive huh, you toys must be made better than ours!
Wig wags, Eric x
What a neat box from Fenway! We love that last picture of you sleeping with your hotdog! awwwwwwwwww
Maybe tomorrow your mom will put a treat in the treat ball for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Toffee.....the brown truck came today....horray.... and brought my goodie box...I was so excited I could hardly behave...and Gram says I didn't behave 'cause I didn't want ta share anything with my Mom amd Toby.....why would I? The box was addressed ta me...I knew it 'cause I saw my name printed on my blog a million times....I'm still playin' with the goodie balls tryin' ta destroy 'em but they're pretty tough, I tell ta and I'm gettin' exhausted tryin'.....Thank ya, Thank Ya, Toffee...by the by, it looks like yer picture on the bag of PureBites...did ya pose fer it?
Gram will post pictures of the big event tomorrow.
Thanks again....yer a real friend,
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh boy, Toffee, you got a genuine Fenway Frank!!!
Your pal,
Hi, Toffee!
Your box 'o fun sure is great!
You got very nice presents from Fenway!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Oh the hotdog squeaky toy makes a pawsome pillow too. Nice gifts from Fenway
~ Girl girl
Those are some great goodies from Fenway! You look really happy about what you received,. Toffee, your eyes are really scawie. They're red!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
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