I have spent months and months trying to sniff out the right pawson for the job

Finally I was ready to go to the polling station to cast my vote...of course Riley had to "poo-poo" all of my fun by trying to come along.

I tried to explain that Canada is ANOTHER country and that he was simply not allowed to vote. Well he pointed out his disgust by doing a "number two" right at the polling station.

Of course, then mom had to spoil my fun by telling me that dogs are not even allowed to vote!
We think all doggies should be allowed to vote! Maybe President Obama can get that bill passed for us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm so sowwy you didn't get to vote Toffee..I found the same thing hewe too..discwimination against pups..but Lacie and
i had the best time watching the wesults come in..then we celebwated wif a pillow fight and a smoofie, and then talked to Petey n the phone..he was having pizza and pwosecco ...wish you wewe hewe
love and
smoochie kisses
It's not right is it, we need to chain ourselves to railings like the suffragetts did to protest...oh yeah, forgot I'm sometimes leashed to railing already...mmm think again..!!
Wags n kisses, Eric x
Yeah, I think dogs should be allowed to vote too. You must have been terribly disappointed when you found out that you couldn't vote!
All doggies should be able to vote! We'd make some good choices. We could lobby the new prez.
love & wags,
Gee sorry to hear you can't vote, Toffee. I think they should CHANGE that. All dogs should be allowed to vote.
Sure it was not fun that you were not allowed to vote!
We need to do something about it!
Kisses and hugs
How come doggies dont get to vote? No fair
~ Girl girl
sowwy I didn't have the link wowking on my bloggie..it's fixed now, but hewe is whewe to get youw globe
smoochie kisses
Hi Toffee
I didn't vote either. But cause we're a swinging state we got lots of stuff in the mail. I chewed some of them. Tasty.
Hi, Toffee -
Don't feel bad - we didn't get to vote either. Mama kept saying that she wanted me (Hershey) to run for President because she thought I would do a better job than President Bush.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I love your Colbert shirt!
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