By now I am sure that you all know that our dear friend Girl-Girl the divine hamsterrier has crossed the bridge. I hope that she is munching on the most heavenly sunflower seeds with FuFu.
Are thoughts are with Girl-Girl's family and all of those that have lost loved ones in the war, on this Remembrance day.
Toffee,I just saw your message. Oh , I'm sobbbbing, our GirlGirl....how sad. That's a lovely sunflower for her, I'm sure she's munching on it right now.How thoughtful of you.
Eric x x xx
RIP little Girl Girl.
Sad Hugs
What a bootiful sunflowew..a twuly appwopwiate twiboote to ouw sweet little fwiend.
This is a sad day fow many
smoochie kisses
We miss her already...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I didn't know, sweet Toffee. I am very sad for GirlGirl's people and friends. But she is up in Animal Heaven.
That's a lovely sunflower to send her up, up and away.
What a beautiful sunflower! It's so cheerful, just as Girl girl was! We sure do miss her!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks so much for letting us know about GirlGirl. Such a brave little hamster to be friends with so many dogs.
Your friend,
I am going to miss her a lot.
Kisses and hugs
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