Monday, April 28, 2008

But we can dog paddle!

Dad 2b went whitewater kayaking this past weekend and left me at home!  Hmph.  Riley and I tried to help him pack up (see above) and tried to convince him that we would be good little helpers on his trip to Vermont.  Dad 2b said that we could not go because we do not have life preservers; plus, we were needed at home to keep my mom company. Hmph!

This is me helping my dad 2b drive:

And this is Riley using his nose to navigate...who needs a GPS unit when you have a Jack Russell and a Chihueagle??


Juno said...

Hello Toffee and Riley! We saw you on Sparky's blog and wanted to come by and say woooooof! :)

That's true. Your dad doesn't need GPS!!!

Momo & Pinot

Agatha and Archie said...

Maybe you should have driven to Vermonst so he could nap! Love A+A

i said...

Make way, GPS!

Please sign my guest book. Woof.