Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! Last night on our walk home from the parking lot I saw one, I swear that I saw one! It scurried across the street and into a gutter or something...it was...a ROUS - a rodent of unusual size. I pulled and I pulled and I pulled but my dad 2b was able to counter my strength despite my desire to get that rodent! So I tell you, faithful residents of my metropolis, if this city is overtaken by the ROUS you have my dad 2b to blame for preventing me from protecting YOU dear citizens! Hmph.
OK we are seriously hoping that this was a bad dream....because if your dad2b did not let you get it,we terriers are going to have to have a round up here( I mean this is our job you know) However PL2 said that if that is real she is OUT OF HERE,history moving to Arizona..Love A+A
That is a very scary looking rodent....I sure hope they do not take over all because of your daddy. My paw pad is doing much better now. My mum stopped giving me that yummy bubble gum flavored antibiotics...kind of a bummer really.
Those rodents are creepy! I've only ever seen them in the movie, but I sure hope they don't really take over the city!
That ROUS sure is scary! Too bad you were not able to catch it!
I am sure my mom would faint if she sees one of those!
Take care.
Kisses and hugs
Yikes! That's oogliest hairy rodent I've ever seen! I would never go after something that looked like that coz it might just eat me alive.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
what is that horrible monster!!
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