So the NCAA college basketball tournament ended last night with an exciting game between Kansas and Memphis...or at least I was told that it was an exciting game - I slept through most of it. As some of you may know, my mom and dad 2b had set up NCAA tournament brackets for fun with the winner getting breakfast in bed. After the "sweet 16" weekend my dad 2b had enough points that even if my mom picked the final winner she still would have lost. At this point they decided to go "all or nothing" - well, as fate would have it neither my mom or my dad 2b won as she had picked North Carolina and he had picked UCLA to win overall. So that means that I will not suffer possible food poisoning from my dad 2b's "cooking"...and, yes, those quotations around the term cooking were used intentionally!
By the way the picture above is of me and one of my mom's Ruby colored slippers in honor of Kansas/Wizard of Oz.
woofies and burfs toffee, i not nos iffin its u or not, but me finks u signed me gessbook...and me fanks u...me iz sorrwy neither one of u pawents won da basketball game...and soo verwy sorrwy bout ur fend henry...my sis, angel lacylulu will play wiff him at the rainbow bridge...
b safe,
woofies and burfs Toffee, fank u fur visitin us...and my sis, angel lacylulu said to tell u dat she meeteded ur fend Melvin and they been playin bitey face and wasslin..and we do a new pup wednesday, and iz gonna resume dat tomorrow.. us tooked a couple weeks off cause lacylulu went to the bridge...iffin its ok, can we let u b the new pup fur dis week?? fank you...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
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