While visiting my friend
Girl Girl hamster's blog I learned that May 12th has been proclaimed as
Fufu Bandana day by
Hammer. While I did not have the honor to have known FuFu I do know that he was well loved by many furry friends. So as a special tribute to Fufu I have placed a special bandana on my friend Rufus. woof.
Well you are a very thoughtfull pup Toffee.....We have one bandanna and it usually stays on for about 12 nanoseconds!!! Sleep tight! Love A+A
Hey cute metal doggy! What a cute post.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
w00f's Toffee and Riley...heehee dat wuz nice of u to let metal doggy ware the bandana..
b safe,
~rocky and company~
That is so sweet of you to help celebrate Fufu bandana day. Thank you so much Toffee. :)
~ Girl girl
What a lovely tribute to Fufu!
ACK!!! Toffee! I did not know it was FuFu Bandanna day! Good thing I put one on today and posted. Whew, talk about nearly missing out on a great holiday!
Heheh! We have a junkyard dog in our house that kinda looks like yours! Except, the junkyard dog looks like he is peeing...right on my dog bed!
Hope you have a good week!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
That was a really kind gesture Toffee.Mr Metal Dog is sort of cute but more impawtantly is he good for a chew, he he!!
Wagging, Eric
That was very sweet and thoughtful of you guys...I need to get a bandana, my mum is slowing down and getting old these days, you would think she was on the pain pills...lol
Hi, Toffee!
Great tribute for FuFu!
Kisses and hugs
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