Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A sad day.

I just found out that my old neighbor and friend Shadow is no longer with us.  He was diagnosed with kidney failure a couple of months ago and seemed to be doing well but last week he took a turn for the worst.  Shadow was a very happy and energetic Sheltie who was rescued as a young boy from a shelter in Michigan.  He had many great years with his human family, feline siblings, and his canine brothers Riley (yes! same name as my brother), and Kolby who "crossed the bridge" last summer.

My brother, my departed sister Bagel and I met Riley, Kolby and Shadow the summer of 2003 when we moved next door. I have so many fond memories of the six of us going on walks and zipping around the neighbor's yard causing shenanigans wherever we went!

While I know in my heart that Shadow, Kolby, and Bagel are at peace chasing rabbits and rolling in stinky things in Dog heaven this is very hard for me because I know how terribly the family is suffering their loss.



Lacy said...

sad w00f's toffee and riley, me iz sooo sorry bout ur friend going to da bridge..angel lacy prolly meeted him and they playin bitey free sweet boy...we will miss u...

b safe,

Deetz said...

I am so sorry Toffee to hear about your good friend. I wonder if every year we should all pick a day and release a balloon in the air filled with lightweight snackies and a note to our friends who have gone before us....I wonder if NASA would take a photo from the space station and we could see all the balloons being released at the same time, all over the world....

Agatha and Archie said...

We are sending you giant hugs Toffee,we know what this is like.....We like Deetz's idea.Giant smoochies from us,Love A+A

Lizzy said...


I'm so sorry to hear about Shadow... That's so sad... We will be keeping his family in our prayers.


Eric said...

That's very sad Toffee, especially for lovely Shadow's pawrents. I'm sending special wiry kisses an hugs to you and wiry thoughts for poor Shadows pawrents.

Eric x

Dexter said...

I hate the sad news, but momma says I should be happy because doggies don't have to suffer the way the peoples do. I was so sad when Grandpa Angus and Beautiful Raja went away forever, but momma says they are at peace.


Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend Shadow. We will be praying for him and his family.
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said...

That is so sad about Shadow. He looks like a lovely Sheltie and I know that you miss your friend.

Your friend,

River said...

We are so sorry to hear about your friend Shadow. Sending beagle hugs & kisses.


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Toffee...I am sorry ta hear about yer neighbor Shadow...but he is at the Rainbow bridge frolickin' in the meadow and sniffin' the flowers...please give Shadow's hoomans our regards....on a lighter note...I'll be watchin' fer the brown truck tomorrow 'n I'll let ya know when it arrives...this is soooo excitin'....

With sadness and anticipation,
Dewey Dewster here...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear.. So sorry to hear about your friend Shadow. :(

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend, Shadow. He was such a handsome pup with such loverly fur. My thoughts are with his family. Please send the my regards.

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

So sorry to hear about Shadow. He sounds like a terrific buddy to you. Our thoughts to you and Shadow's family.

Dandy Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about your friend, Shadow. His family is in our thoughts and prayers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

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