In case you are wondering the dog pictured above is Ellie. She is a standard poodle puppy and the fur sister of our friend Gator. Ellie and her pawrents went to cheer on Gator and the team; they even brought them homemade COOKIES!!! I am still wondering where my cookie is...
Here is a picture of mom and a couple other runners with similar fashion "sense."

...and here's dad...

Ummm Ellie...I don't think that's a cookie!

Umm.... did your dad not get the dress code memo? Ellie looks so cute. I bet she's got a cookie stashed away for you somewhere!
I'm sooo sowwy you don't get to be thewe and haven't gotten youw cookie..soo not faiw!
I love the way they all lokk..I bet it was fun
smoochie kisses
Wow you didn't even get a cookie. Who got the stegosaurus? Was it edible. Men in skirts...my is tilting her head and looking like BAROO??
love & wags,
Strange those men in skirts..not even kilts..maybe its better for running.
Fancy not giving you a cookie Toffee - I would give you hundreds...
Wags n kisses Eric x
Ellie looks like me except for the color! Uhhhh
we don't know what to say about the apparel....must have been some fun tho!
Hi, Toffee!
Ellie is so cute!
Hmmmm.... pink skirts.... it that a new trend?
Kisses and hugs
Is your dad colourblind or is black the new pink for him! ;-)
Now was that a race fer the cure???? Gee, hope someday it helps ta find one....
Dewey Dewster here....
Ellie sure is a cute doggie. So there's no cookie yet?
~ Girl girl
what a cute pup! Those guys in the skirts sure were funny. Congrats to your humans for making it to the beach!
You dad has very cute legs, Toffee! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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