The New York Football Giants are back in my good graces after (deservedly) robbing my Patriots of their perfect season...do you want to know why?? Well...they have named "Snausages (TM)" as the official dog snack of the team. That is to say that for every 3rd down (downward dog?) the Giants convert this year, Snausages (TM) will donate $100 to New York Pet Rescue in Larchmont, NY.
...ummm...sorry dad but....Go Giants!
Good luck to your team guys!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm not a football fan but I will turn into one if football teams are going to donate to animal rescue. Go Giants and Go Snausages!
Your friend,
That's really a good thing to do. I never had a Snausage but it looks pretty yummy.
Woe, that is awesome!
I am a Patriot fan too but sure NY Giants are doing a good thing!
Kisses and hugs
Donating to animal rescue is always something I'm all for, but c'mon... you're rooting AGAINST the PATRIOTS?! My dad may never forgive you! Hey, at least it wasn't the Red Sox. 'Cause then my dad AND Big Pupi would be upset!
How cool is that I hope they make gillions of downs
smoochie kisses
pee ess..you'we not supposed to buy me anything fow my birfday silly..just give me love and kisses
That's way awesome! I'm not a huge fan of the Giants myself...but hey! Anyone who donates to the good of animals is A-okay to me!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
What a GREAT idea they had! Mom has a steelers Snausages calendar at her desk she got from turning in UPC codes off of some of those delicious treats!
This is pawtastic! We like snausages.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Our dad is a HUGE Giants fan! Go Giants! We'll have to get some snausages to go alongside the magic peanuts!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Haa those are cute hawaiian shirts you doggies have on
~ Girl girl
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