mom here: Oh! Toffee you look so pretty in your dress...besides the Macadamia nuts will only make it fit tighter than it already does (ahm!)

...Mom, I will tell you EXACTLY what I think about these outfits....
ANNOUNCEMENT! I wish to let all of my DWB friends know that my mom has a new blog in which she posts a photo a day for a year - it is entitled "A year though the eyes of Stinky" - if you want to check it out click HERE. There is also a link in the upper left corner of my blog.

ANNOUNCEMENT! I would like to declare the weekend of September 28th as "Blog like a Pirate" weekend. I hope you all can participate with me - you can dress like a pirate or you can speak like a pirate or you can chew on a stick that looks like a wooden leg, wear an eye patch - whatever you want. Please spread the word....arrrrgh!
I'm practicing my Pirate peg-leg impersonation straight away! :-)
Aye aye, matie!
You look really cute in your souvenirs!
Oh that is so cool, blogging lik a pppirate, eh matie I can't wait
well, we think you look very adorable ... and tropical.
we don't know how to be pirates, but if it is some kind of a scoundrel, we can do it.
macadamia nuts are actually POISON to dogs, who knew!! So even though you might not be totally happy about a dress, it sure is safer and you look so cute!
w00f'sToffee and Riley, me thinks u looks bute ti ful in ur dress...
b safe,
Riley's shirt looks great, pretty material for the dress anyways. My mom will be on vacation Sept. 28th but we can talk like pirates around while she's gone. No blogging though.
love & wags,
You look like a couple of cute little tourists in those new Hawaiian outfits.
I be a-prrrrrrracticin' speakin' like a pirrrrrrrrate, Toffee. Arrrrrrrrr. T'is harrrrrrrrrd ferrrrr a doggie. Arrrrrrrr.
Yaaaaarrrrrr, your lovely dress makes you look curvy, drink your OJ so you don't get scurvy....Yaaaaarrrrr...
You two look great!
Kisses and hugs
You look lovely in the dress, Toffee! And Riley look really handsome too!
Pirates? Will we be going to the sea? How exciting!
I put a reminder on my blog about Pirates Weekend, ok maties? Yaaarrr! T'is goin' to be fun.
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
We like your outfits - you both look cute in them.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Yep guys....
We're not fer clothes at all....that's hooman stuff....that's why we've got hair...now there's an outfit ya can't beat with a stick...good old doggie hair.....nothin' like it fer sure......
Dewey Dewtser here....
Oh I am so sorry that your people brought you outfits from Hawaii. I don't like wearing clothes either. But chocolate covered macadamia nuts?? Glad that they didn't bring any of those back since you and Riley would be sick pups if you ate them. Check out www.aspca.org for info on foods and plants that are poisonous to animals
Toffee, you look bootiful in your dress. I have a banana from Hawaii- just think how handsome we would look wagging down the plank together...!!!
Wags, Eric x
We think you both look adorable in your tropical outfits! We've heard that macadamia nuts aren't good for dogs so we would avoid them if we were you, Toffee!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I love youw dwess! and that shiwt too..I think it's vewy flattewing ...I have to go pwactice to be a piwate
smoochie kisses
I love youw dwess! and that shiwt too..I think it's vewy flattewing ...I have to go pwactice to be a piwate
smoochie kisses
Nice shirt Harrrrr
Blog like a pirate week Harrrrr. I cant wait Harrrrrr. I know natinal talk like a pirate day was coming but i didnt know it was a blog like a pirate week Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
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