That's right it is not about me...today. Today I would like you all to go over to
Stanislaw and Big Pupi's blog and read the post entitled
"Observations on humanity." In these recent times of sadness it is a most beautiful and inspirational post. I am a better dog for having read it - please go and find out for yourself.
Hi Toffee. Thanks for the major shout-out on your blog today. Now go snuggle up to your mom for a while and work those big puppy eyes of yours!
Enjoy the day,
Big Pupi
I will go wight ovew..I can always use some impwovement
smoochie kisses
Toffee I fowgot..did you see my post about youw bootiful pwesents?
I weally loved getting such a thoughtful gifts fow my birfday
smoochie kisses
Hey Toffee!! We have been gone and are trying to catch up. We will go over to see. Mom says it better not make her cry tho!!!!
We were there earlier today! It's a WONDERFUL posting! Mom was sniffing a lot!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OK we are on our way! Love A+A
Hi, Toffee!
I read the post. It is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
We sure did love that!
Thanks Toffee...
That was very moving and well worth the detour to read it....thanks fer sharin'
Dewey Dewster here....
thanks Toffee, we're on our way.
Toffee, thank you, I wagged over like you said. I hope I am better dog now too. Mom leaked all over Big Pupi's bloggie....
Thank you for your mesage in my chat box. I will email your Mommi. I'm in a tail spin of exciterment. . .are you going to mail yourself to me pupcake???? WOW!!!!!
Wags n kisses,Eric x
Oh I'll go over to read that article. Thanks for sharing
~ Girl girl
Pupi is amazing, Toffee. Thanks for sending me over to his blog. It's so wonderful that there are dogs like him who give comfort to sick people. I am totally blown away.
Hi, Toffee -
We went over to read that story. That really was inspirational. Thanks for sharing it.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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