I am so jelly (jealous) that mom and dad went whitewater rafting this weekend!!!! Instead Riley and I got to go to doggy camp, hmph! Mom must have felt guilty about dropping us off for the SECOND time this month because she paid an extra $12/day for Riley and I to have "play time." Well, that was a bust because "someone" (ahm! Riley) does not play well with others.
On a different note...mom came across this sort of interesting article about how the jellyfish got its sting (from a bacterium). If you are bored and want to read it click
HERE. The photo in this blog is taken from mom's honeymoon pics (Monterey aquarium).
we think that going to doggie camp and playing would be more fun than playing with jelly fish. BUT white water rafting would be amazing. you should probably get some treats to make up for this neglectful treatment.
G'day Toffee
So did you get double play time to make up for Riley ;-)
White water rafting sounds like lots of fun .. well .. if I liked getting wet of course! BOL
oh man, I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy your extra play time at doggie camp. But it sounds as if your mom had fun at her extra play time!
I'm sowwy you got left home alone again..but you wouldn't want to go neaw those jelly guys..they huwt..and I think I would thwow up in a waft on whitewatew
smoochie kisses
I fowgot to say..I have an awawd fow you..happy monday
smoochie kissses
I think whitewater rafting would be very exciting! That is a shame that your people didn't take you with them. Make them feel guilty about it so that they give you lots of extra treats. Stay away from those jelly fish.
Your friend,
Those jelly fish look scary! We think we'd rather be at camp!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WE MISSED THE PIRATE WEEKEND!!! Oh brother.. we are going to have to get our own computer... WHen PL2 goes back to work this week she will get her new time plan AND PICK A DATE TO PLAY( before it snows!!) Love and kisses A+A
Toffee, I'm sorry you didn't get your play time. Tell you Mom if you want to play with me it's for free,he,hehehe!!
Will you come to London Toffee for the marathon? And are you going to visit Asta in NY when your 2 leggededs go there?
Wiy wag, Eric x
Gee, Camp and playtime..sounds interestn'...we have never been ta camp ever....
Now those jelly fish really look scary....Pap got stung once by one and hoped it would never happen again. It hasn't yet, but then we haven't been ta the beach again either...
Have a great week....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Oh those jellyfish look so pawsome.
~ Girl girl
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