Monday, July 7, 2008

You want to put a thermometer where??

Here's an updated photo of my friends' kittens Frida and Chloe...I think Frida just told Chloe where my mom will be taking her temperature!! Tee hee.  Yup!  These kitties will be my mom's "victims" at work Tuesday night...then again, maybe Frida just told Chloe a good joke...what do you think??


Lorenza said...

Ooops! I don't want to be in their place!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Think she's showing her healthy pink tongue as to say no thermometer needed hehe...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh boy.. I think she's showing her teefies to show how white they are

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

We think she's trying to scare you so you run from her taking the evil thermometer with you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chef said...

She looks like she's sending a warning: come near me with that thing and I'll bite your nose!!


Eric said...

I think you got it right bout the thermometer... bet they won't make those faces then... teehee Eric x

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