Above is a picture of yours truly near the presents. Do you see the ones wrapped in the decorative orange paper? Those are from (sigh) Eric!! I wanted to get at them right away for fear that Eric mailed himself over and could potentially be suffocating!
Here is a picture of Riley being a little bit too exuberant about his gift:

In case you were wondering the gift was a moose squeaky toy. Here is one of me - much less exuberant and more lady like....don't worry the jacket is made of "faux" fur...

We each got squeaky toys and greenies thanks to Nana & Pops:

I got a special "Fox" squeaky cause I am a foxy lady (or so I am told)

I pleaded (after I finished my Greenie of course) with my pawrents to let me open my gift from Eric by giving them my sad hazel brown eye look....

Pawrents can be so dense sometimes so I had to hint a little stronger about opening Eric's gift...

....stay tuned for the next post when we reveal Eric's big package...and after that Ms. Sophie (Santa?) Brador's fabulous surprise! Thank you Eric! Thank you Sophie! Thank you Nana & Pops! Thank you Santa(s)!!