Sorry friends, I know that it has been a long time...
So to begin, I would like to tell you that our friend Elizabeth did very well with her surgery - thank you all for your kind thoughts. To read about her progress or to check out her very interesting blog click HERE and make sure to say hello!
While Elizabeth was in the hospital we invited her fur baby Eli Manning C. to come over.
Here is a picture of us on the couch (he takes up more room than I would like)
Don't worry Eric there was absolutely no touching!
Here's a pic of Riley and Eli out for a walk

The "whole gang" waiting for mom to bring dad coffee

Unbeknownst to me after said coffee run Eli actually got to go to work with mom!!! I was not too pleased at this because I NEVER get to go anymore!
Eli the everpresent lap dog:

Eli trying to help out a customer:

He was the perfect guest while here but I have to say that I did not like having to share mom and dad's affection.