Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Halloween!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of my DWB friends!!!
with love from Riley the "squirrel"
and me the "grape" xoxoxo
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Celebrity sighting
Omidog! Omidog! I know a Pawlebrity!
The other day when I was reading my Runners World magazine I flipped the page only to feast my eyes on this:
Do you know who this is?!! Do you know WHO this IS???!!! It is Velcro the Australian cattle dog with her mom Penny! Don't they look great?
Here's a closer look:
They were part of a Runners World article about running with your dog. They inspired me to perhaps start running myself.
Maybe later after a little nap and some food. Zzzzzzz....
To read more about Velcro the running "dog-gess" click HERE.
The other day when I was reading my Runners World magazine I flipped the page only to feast my eyes on this:
Do you know who this is?!! Do you know WHO this IS???!!! It is Velcro the Australian cattle dog with her mom Penny! Don't they look great?
Here's a closer look:
They were part of a Runners World article about running with your dog. They inspired me to perhaps start running myself.
Maybe later after a little nap and some food. Zzzzzzz....
To read more about Velcro the running "dog-gess" click HERE.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not...
So last thursday I decided to do a little dumpster diving to satiate my appetite because, honestly, 1/2 a cup of food a day is simply not enough! I am part beagle! I need to look like a foot stool! What part of this do you not understand mom? dad? So anyway, I found a lovely used feminine hygiene product ready for the taking and eating right in the garbage.
I trotted downstairs to have some "alone time" with my prized possession when mom had to ruin everything by telling me to "drop it." Being the good girl that I am I did (who is kidding who? I thought there'd be a food reward involved). Well as soon as I dropped it guess who grabbed it and SWALLOWED IT WHOLE!
One guess.
So now we are watching and waiting for the offensive object to pass. So far my brother is doing well. He is his usual grumpy JRT self with no vomiting. Watching and waiting.
I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother. I will not feed tampons to my brother....
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Woofing through the Boston Marathon
Hello doggie bloggie friends! Okay, I am sorry but today's post is not really 100% dog related but I just have to say that I am so SU-PAW proud of my mom & dad for running in the 114th Boston Marathon last Monday!
Here is a picture of mom
She is proudly sporting her Canadian maple leaf & her nickname "Stinky" below it so that people would cheer for her. Sadly, she missed seeing Norwood's mom in Wellesley but she certainly felt their sup-pawt. And, trust me, she really needed it.
Speaking of sup-pawt...look at this super duper pawsome sign made by Agatha & Archie! Mom was so very happy to see this sign - it really made her day. Thank you!!
Unfortunately dad did not see the pawsome sign in pawson (likely because he blew by at warp speed) but he knew that the DWB pups were cheering/howling/woofing!
Below is a picture of mom with A&A's PL:
Here is a picture of mom actually drinking a shot of BEER!! What was she thinking?!! Now if it was a pupperoni stick I could see stopping for that...but a BEER? Really?
While mom did not have a particularly good race she had an amazing Boston marathon experience thanks to her family & many friends that were there to support her.
Below is mom & friends from her work:
Below is mom & her friend Josh:
Thank you all and a special thank you to Elizabeth for chauffering mom's Canadian relatives.
The Finish:
Here is a picture of mom
She is proudly sporting her Canadian maple leaf & her nickname "Stinky" below it so that people would cheer for her. Sadly, she missed seeing Norwood's mom in Wellesley but she certainly felt their sup-pawt. And, trust me, she really needed it.
Speaking of sup-pawt...look at this super duper pawsome sign made by Agatha & Archie! Mom was so very happy to see this sign - it really made her day. Thank you!!
Unfortunately dad did not see the pawsome sign in pawson (likely because he blew by at warp speed) but he knew that the DWB pups were cheering/howling/woofing!
Below is a picture of mom with A&A's PL:
Here is a picture of mom actually drinking a shot of BEER!! What was she thinking?!! Now if it was a pupperoni stick I could see stopping for that...but a BEER? Really?
While mom did not have a particularly good race she had an amazing Boston marathon experience thanks to her family & many friends that were there to support her.
Below is mom & friends from her work:
Below is mom & her friend Josh:
Thank you all and a special thank you to Elizabeth for chauffering mom's Canadian relatives.
The Finish:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
An open apology to Ms. S. Brador
Dearest Sophie,
I am truly very sorry for biting your ear and causing it to bleed. It is just that, well, you are so very beautiful and I just wanted a little nibble to see if you tasted as yummy as you looked.
I had no idea that my affections would cause a huge gush of blood to stain that beautiful blonde hair.
My sister fears for my life and hers (by association); she has now fled to the UK to be protected by her square boy.
So, please, please forgive me. Remember, we're both Canadian, eh?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Riley turns 11
A few weeks ago...okay, SEVERAL weeks ago my dearest brother Riley turned eleven. We were too caught up in Olympic hoopla! at the time to post but not too caught up to forget about his birthday.
In true birthday tradition we took our annual barkday trip to the Polka dog bakery so that Riley could pick out his cake:
I went with him to make sure that he wasn't forgetting anything
Like these scrumptious treats!
When we got home it was all that we could do to hold back from eating the WHOLE cake!
Yes Riley you CAN choose your cake and eat it too.

Saturday, March 6, 2010
2010 Snausage Man-Sled Race
Below is a link to a YouTube (TM) video covering the 2010 Snausage Man-Sled Race. The winner of this race was presented a check for $5000 to go to a charity of his/her choice. Paw-sonally I think the winner should have also gotten a lifetime supply of Snausages...just sayin'
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Happy Presents Day!
I know that the USA celebrated Presidents' Day on Monday - but I got to celebrate "Presents Day" on Sunday. That's right Sunday was my barkday and my square valentine Eric did not forget to spoil me!
The postman brought all kinds of goodies!
Here I am surrounded by my loot:
I could not wait to open up my packages but I needed help:
It is always polite to open the card first (that is what my mom said) - look at the card!!! It was paw made just for MOI!!!
I think Riley was jealous that I got a special red rose from Eric Square - when you press it it says "I love you" - oh Eric! I love you too!
In paw-paration for perhaps a date(?), Eric sent me this BEAUTIFUL coat and a matching purse. I feel like a cute little ladybug in my coat. I also got this super duper "food game" - MY Eric knows that the way to a Chihueagle's heart is through her stomach!
I had to demonstrate my food game skills and my jacket outside so that Riley wouldn't try and get in on the action.
Here's a closer look:
Thank you so much for all of my wonderful gifts - I am one happy and stylin' chihueagle!
An exhausting end to a most wonderful PRESENTS day.
The postman brought all kinds of goodies!
Here I am surrounded by my loot:
I could not wait to open up my packages but I needed help:
It is always polite to open the card first (that is what my mom said) - look at the card!!! It was paw made just for MOI!!!
I think Riley was jealous that I got a special red rose from Eric Square - when you press it it says "I love you" - oh Eric! I love you too!
In paw-paration for perhaps a date(?), Eric sent me this BEAUTIFUL coat and a matching purse. I feel like a cute little ladybug in my coat. I also got this super duper "food game" - MY Eric knows that the way to a Chihueagle's heart is through her stomach!
I had to demonstrate my food game skills and my jacket outside so that Riley wouldn't try and get in on the action.
Here's a closer look:
Thank you so much for all of my wonderful gifts - I am one happy and stylin' chihueagle!
An exhausting end to a most wonderful PRESENTS day.
Friday, February 12, 2010
An ode to my Valentine 2010
An ode to my Valen-square:
Roses are red,
Without you I am blue.
Here's a snog & a squillion kisses,
Because I am sweet on you!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Pawsitive Thoughts for my furr-iend.
Hello friends.
Today I am sending special pawsitive thoughts out to our friend Mini the beagle. She is one of my mom's patients and our special friend. Last week she had to go to the emergency hospital because she had a blood problem. Well the good news is that she is home!
What makes Miss Mini so special? Well besides being a beautiful girl she also lives in a house with a JRT just like I do! Her JRT sister is Maggie:
The picture above is of Maggie and my (sigh) brother playing in the park a couple of years ago.
On Sunday we took a car ride to go and visit her in the hospital.
Unfortunately we didn't get to go in and see her - I think mom wanted her all to herself!
Maybe if I offered her one of my canine cannoli it would help her get better?
I thought I better try one just in case....
Besides - she can have Riley's cannoli.
Anyway, please send some pawsitive thoughts to our friend for a speedy recovery; she is very special to us and we want her in good health! We love you Mini!
Today I am sending special pawsitive thoughts out to our friend Mini the beagle. She is one of my mom's patients and our special friend. Last week she had to go to the emergency hospital because she had a blood problem. Well the good news is that she is home!
What makes Miss Mini so special? Well besides being a beautiful girl she also lives in a house with a JRT just like I do! Her JRT sister is Maggie:
The picture above is of Maggie and my (sigh) brother playing in the park a couple of years ago.
On Sunday we took a car ride to go and visit her in the hospital.
Unfortunately we didn't get to go in and see her - I think mom wanted her all to herself!
Maybe if I offered her one of my canine cannoli it would help her get better?
I thought I better try one just in case....
Besides - she can have Riley's cannoli.
Anyway, please send some pawsitive thoughts to our friend for a speedy recovery; she is very special to us and we want her in good health! We love you Mini!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mission accomplished
Hello blog friends. I know it has been a while and I trust that you all had a most wonderful holiday season. So the title of today's blog is "mission accomplished." What mission do I speak of? Well, some of you know that my pawrents were training for a big race called the "Goofy Challenge." Completion of the challenge requires finishing the Walt Disney World half marathon (13.1 miles/21 km) then finishing the Walt Disney World full marathon the next day (26.2 miles/42'ish km). The race took place this past weekend in Orlando, Florida during an unseasonable "arctic blast" cold snap with temperatures as low as 25*F. Neither the chilly temperatures nor the sleet nor the rain could keep my pawrents from their mission - I am so proud of them.
Here are some pictures from the race:
Eeyore & Winnie the Pooh (note it is dark because the race started at 5:45am)
Above is a picture of mom & dad after the marathon sporting their medals with Pluto.
Below is a picture of mom sporting her bling!
pee-ess: I figured it was okay to blog about my pawrents' race because Goofy is a dog after all : )
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