Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thank you Eric! xoxoxoxo.

The other day the postman brought me a very special package from across the pond!  I was so excited, a package just for ME!

I saw that the parcel was from Eric and thought that he had mailed himself to me so I went right to work at opening it
Look what I got!!  A "pupcake" stuffie, a special pink "princess" wishbone chew toy, a card with a yummy "tail chaser" recipe on the back and two dog butts to sniff!
 mom here...the doggy behinds are hooks, not for sniffing. Sorry Toffee
Being part beagle I went right for the food item...the pupcake stuffie...
Another action shot...
I pawsed a moment to read a note from dear, sweet, Eric.  It says "I wish" and was attached to the wishbone chewy toy.
...I wish, too...sigh.


Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, heehee, to bad Eric didnt mail him too...those iz some cool pressies and treats...

b safe,

Duke said...

What a cute pupcake stuffie, Toffee! That was so sweet of Eric!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

Eric is such a good boyfriend to send you all those presents, Toffee. I can see how much you enjoyed them. Too bad he couldn't mail himself to you.

Your friend,

Amber-Mae said...

You got some nice stuff there!!!

Not feeling well,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said...

Hi Toffee!
What a pawesome pressie from your boyfriend! It's too bad he wasn't in the package, but I hope that playing with your pupcake stuffie makes you happy and reminds you of him!
Love Clover xo

Sophie Brador said...

Toffee! I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassed I am that my mom has still not sent that super long overdue package. Maybe we'll just make it an American TG pressy instead. I'm kind of jealous of everyone meeting Asta instead of me. And mom says her people are great too. Hope your mom has fun!


Dexter said...

You look a little lovesick.


Eric said...

Pupcake,how bootiful you look attacking that pupcake... I'm wishing that pupcake was me.tee,hee!!! Oooh don't let your Mom read that will you? I'm happy you liked your present. Did Riley sniff the butt hook for him too? Woohoooo!!I'm working on sending myself next time Toffee. Wait and see!!!

Wags n kissies, Eric XXXXXXXX

Unknown said...

Ahh, Toffee, me thinks love is in the air!

I think it's just a matter of time before Eric gets down on bended paw and asks the big question...

"Will you go steady with me?"

Just saying!

Your pal and Eric's bestest friend,


Stacey said...

Hi Toffee,

I wish my boyfriend would give me a pupcake.

Dr. Izzy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
Eric sent you pawesome presents!
butts to sniff??? sounds interesting!
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Toffee, you do have a sweetheart of a boyfriend, that's for sure! He sure has made you happy with those amazing gifts. Enjoy them!


i said...

Oh wow, that's some lovely gifts from Eric! You are so lucky, Toffee!

Juno said...

Hello Toffee and Riley!

Eric is so nice to send you goood pressies......and you guys are also super kind to send us a very nice package. Mom has just posted some pictures on our blog. Please come by to see how we all three enjoyed your pressies!

Momo & Pinot (& James)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh and Eric make the cutest couple!!!!! And the pressies he sends ya!!! OH MY!!!

And I heard your gettin' a new cell this weekend???? (Petey and Eric gossip like girls on Eric's chattie box!!! I find all the latest news there!!!!!)

I NEED TO KNOW IF RILEY IS UNATTACHED...I'm thinkin' bout settin' him up for a date....

Let me know...


Aki and Poopie said...

hellow there toffee!

those were really nice pressies you have. Eric has such good taste when it comes to giving presents.

Hope you enjoyed your pupcakes and erm.. butt-thingies.

drooly kisses,


Sophie Brador said...

Toffee, you look super cute in those pictures. Did your mommy go to NY?


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Toffee and Riley -

You got some really neat pressies and treats. We hope you are having a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Asta said...

This is Twue Love..sighhhhhhhh
you'we a lucky , and bootiful giwl
smoochie kisses

Lenny said...

I told Eric that you are even prettier in pawson, Toffee!! :) One WFT to another.

Your friend, Lenny

Please sign my guest book. Woof.