My apologies for being so delayed but mom was busy with passing out beer to runners at the Boston Marathon yesterday and I think the alcohol fumes went to her head. Back to my story...
After enjoying a most deeeee-licious pupcake (tee hee) I started again on my search for Eric (also a most dee-licious pupcake!). I decided to ask these folks for information as I know that Eric lives very close to a very famous palace.

They told me that they have seen a most handsome square dog on their grounds but that he was not there at that time. I decided it was time to use my super sniffer to track down my pupcake - after all I am a beagle!
My sniffer led me to some beautiful daffy-dills:

Then across to a big park where I caught the Square dog scent by some deer poop.

My sweetie must have roached here! I was so hot on his tail...I mean trail that I could even envision him roaching...

Again, hot on the trail, I sniffed and I sniffed until....what did I see off in the distance? Could it be?!

Yes! Yes! It was my special pupcake! I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me!!

When I finally saw him I planted a big fat...oh wait! I don't kiss and tell!

Oh Toffee
Aftew all that seawching the sight of youw special pupcake squawe dog spwinting towawd you must have been heavenly..I will guawd youw not so vewy secwet love
smoochie kisses
Hey Sweetie Toffee, it's me your delicious pupcake!!!!
I'm glad those funny folks at the Pawlace wwere able to help you out while you were tracking me.Dog you are smart.
Lookie at me running towards you...almost slow motion like those romantic films but more so..hehee,just as well everybloggie can't hear the sweet sounds of baying hounds we made together when we finally met up. Boy oh Boy you took my kitty log breath away. And those deer poopies we induldged in together a little later....ahh, sweet memories.
Are you ready for the wedding? I'll be bringing your dress over with me. I hope you'll love it my sweetie. Can't wait to take you on my paw and show you off to every doggie kittie and hammie.
Lovies and kissies pupcake, Eric xx
How romantic!
Wow, Eric running is soooo like out of a romance movie. I hope there was some good music playing! I am so glad you found him!
WAIT A MINUTE......ISN"T THAT WALLY???What the heck was he doing there??? Love A+A(we love the picture of Eric roaching in deer poop)
That's so romantic! You two are a match made in doggie heaven!
What a fabulous reunion! We love stories with happy endings!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Awwwww, what a scene!
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Toffee...
(all three terrier dab their eyes with kleenex...)
That was the most romantic postie ever...
You and Eric...oh my...
We're gonna make some pupcorn and read it again!!!
Listen, I know that bloggy was about you and Eric all smoochie and stuff, but I couldn't help but read about your mom at the Boston Marathon. I mean, giving away beer? To runners? What a waste! They will just sweat it right out as soon as they drink it. Please tell her to reroute her beers to my estate in the future.
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
We are sorry that we have not commented sooner. Mama has been taking a class at school that she is struggling with. Have a great weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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