Look at all the fun. Here is dad and R with Pinot in a nearby park:

Beautiful Momo before she got camera shy:

Pinot and his frisbee - he LOVES his frisbee according to mom and dad.

Look at dad playing frisbee with Pinot (mom is not nearly as good as throwing a frisbee).

And look at this cutie pie..."baby brudder"...so sweet and incredibly well behaved considering that I know how long my mom can talk and talk and talk and talk...

I wish that I could have been there!!! Mom absolutely promised to take me with her next time she is in Toronto
Well that is it(Wow we are first!!) This visitng without you guys has got to stop.Call us on Aggies cell and we will plot a revenge.....Love and kisses A+A Ps Give Riley a HUGE kiss from us.....
Pupcake.Looks like everyblooggie had the bestest time. Momo and Pinot are pretty and pawsome (I wagged over to meet them) and the cutie pie baby brudder... aaaawwww. But as for Mom saying take you next time?! Huh. Didn't fall for that old chestnut did you Toffee? I thought not.And wait till she see's the $$$ for your phone calls to me while she was gone...haaaa!!
Wiry lovies and snogs for dogs,
Your sweetiepie Eric xxxxxxxxxxxx
What a bummer that you guys didn't get to hang with Momo and Pinot like your mom and dad did! How not fair! We hope you get to go next time!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Little Toffee,
Sorry you got left out. Seems the people had a rockin good time up north. Maybe you can slip into their luggage next time.
Looks like they all had a blast!
Solid Gold "Actress"
Hello Toffee and Riley!
We have to admit that we had a pawsome time with your mom and dad but we wish if you were there. Please send them our BIG hugs and very juicy licks! :D
Gee.. are they back in Boston already? We marked our calendar to see your mom, dad and YOU!!!
Momo & Pinot
Hi buddies!
It sure looked like you had a good time!! Momo and Pinot's baby brudder is the CUTEST!
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
Your pawrents went to Canada and left you home?!? Are they crazy?
Too bad you couldn't smuggle yourselves in their suitcases.
We hope that this weekend is better.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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