Hello DWB pals. I am writing today to BEG you to please consider helping my mom. My mom has the possibility of representing the Animal Rescue League of Boston in the 2010 Boston Marathon. She is raising pledges to try to be picked as the runner who will get the marathon number that has been given to the League. The winner will be based on who can raise the most in pledges between now and October 31st. 100% of donations raised will go to the charity.
The Animal Rescue League of Boston is a humane organization that: places homeless pets with loving people, helps prevent cruelty and neglect, promotes humane education as well as other services for animals such as veterinary care, animal rescue, foster care, rehabilitation and training. To learn more about the Animal Rescue League click HERE.
Additionally, next May my mother is turning 5.714 dog years (40 in human years) and it would be great if I could help her attain one of her dreams as a 40th birthday present - that is, to run the Boston Marathon.
If you can help please email: petfxr@gmail.com with the amount that you can pledge.
Please spread the word.
Pupcake. Woohoo! Your Mom needs to be the one to race! I'll be pee mailing your Mom right away. How about this goes in the DWB news too so others can come over and pledge? I'll have a dig around and see if I can do that. Crickey. Not much time. You've only got a few days...
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
Dawling toffee
I am going to wite tomowwow mowning and tell all my pals to come and visit you and make a pledge..I think youw Mom would be the pawfect wepwesentative
smoochie kisses
Wow Toffee.....yer Mom sure is great at want ta help doggies by runnin' fer them in the marathon...I shall get Gram ta email yer Mom.....my paws are ready ta help....happy runnin'....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Hello Toffee!! Our mom will email you tomorrow for sure!! (coz dad is not here to talk about their contribution.) And.... wow, Boston Marathon!! Your mom's dream has to come true!!
Our pawrents are still here but it seems like we will be abandoned in mid-November. Dahhhhhh~~~
Momo & Pinot
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