Here is a web photo of the initial break:
(photo from web site)

The water main break instigated a large clean up and repair...OH MY DOG! OH MY DOG! We interrupt the current blog post for the following announcement: while helping me type my blog a DEER TICK just crawled out of my mom's sleeve! We live in the CITY we are not supposed to have deer ticks!!
Ok, I'm back albeit slightly disturbed. Anyway, in order to repair the water main/gas leak damage crews have been working around the clock. Since gas supply had to be shut off many businesses and consumers that utilize gas (for hot water etc.) have been S.O.L. How has this affected me? Well our favorite Pan-Asian take out place has been basically shut down for four whole days - they have lost a lot of business. I feel badly for them...and my tummy.
Below is a picture of one of the numerous big holes they've dug in the ground near my home. If you ask me they should have asked Riley to help out - being a Terrier alone makes him qualified for digging holes!
addendum: my mom checked us all and we appear to be tick bite free...