After cheering on my blogger friend
Agatha a few weeks back I have been inspired to train to participate in an Earthdog event myself. To read my blogpost on Agatha attaining the first level of Junior Earthdog click
here. Anyway, I
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE rats - especially the city rats that live in my area - I imagine that they are so tasty. You see I live in the Italian section of the city so my rats are especially fat from all of the pasta - I believe they are carbo loading for me! Eventually I will have to learn how to get to the ratsies by going into a tunnel like the one above. For now I am just concentrating on chasing the ratsies in my 'hood.
Well last night I stepped up my training a notch much to the dismay of my dad2b.
A picture of our alley:
Usually on our way back from our walk we get let off our leash once we turn the corner to our alley. On a usual night we run straight to our door which backs on to the alley; well not last night. Last night was different.

Riley and I could smell the ratsie odor as soon as we turned the corner - he was taunting us twitching is little ratsy whiskers - we HAD to chase him. And that is just what we did. I let out the loudest chihueagle howl that I could - ARROOOOO! We chased that carbo-loaded rat right out of our alley! I was howling so loud out of the excitement! My howl was so intense and shrill that mom came running out of the apartment to see me running toward the street chasing the rat (ed. I never made it to the street). Man! Riley and I were such a team! I chased the rat and Riley grabbed the rat and shook it - WHAT A THRILL!!! At one point dad2b was helping but it seemed more like he was chasing me rather than the rat. I mean dad2b is fast but he is no rat chaser and frankly he got in the way with all of his screaming. In fact mom and dad2b were both screaming our names - at first I thought that they were cheering us on but they screamed so much that it made me turn my head and it made Riley drop the rat. We could have had that rascally rat if it weren't for those meddling parents!
I will get you next time my rascally rat!
On a happy note - at least I got some really good training in for my Earthdog attempt.
Toffee, this is mom here. Unfortunately, the American Kennel Club does not allow Chihueagles to participate in Earthdog events. You could always help Riley with his training. Sorry.
Seriously?? No chihueagles in Earthdog?? Oh, come on! I could do way better than this dog who seems more interested in the little tree than with getting down to business!
oh....maybe I could get my Junior Asphalt alleydog title??....
ed. Some DWB people expressed concern that Riley & I may have run into the street while chasing the rat - please note that I never, in fact, ran into the street because dad2b caught me in time. Although mom & dad2b both reacted as if I had - they were very upset and told Riley & I that our off-leash running in the alley has now been revoked.
Hi, this is Nunzio the North End rat writing...all I have to say is - ha! ha! I got awayyy!