Starting early yesterday morning we had a BIG snowstorm that dumped A LOT of snow in my back alley (see above). Now don't get me wrong I don't mind getting dressed up in my fancy coat to go and meet people (like A&A's PL or Asta's pawrents) but when it is single digit temperatures outside I rarely like to venture very far. In fact when it is this ch-ch-ch-chilly out I only take a few steps outside my door to do my business and then it is back inside to warm up. If you look at the picture above you will see that the footprints only make it part of the way out of the alley. Maybe if I lived in Montreal I would be a more cold savvy dog like Ms. Sophie Brador - mom is shaking her head because she does not think so.
Do you think this year we will have a spring or a summer ? Here in Switzerland it is also snowing again and again....
Kisses, Faya
Oh dear, Toffee, I think that coat makes your butt look big (what are friends for). Its too cold!
Sweet Toffee
That is the most bootious coat on you, but Even though I love snow, when its supew cold..it's no fun..I'm glad you went in and wawmed up ..no doubt having a nice wawm tea and thinking of youw dawling Ewic.
Whewe is Riley????
smoochie kisses
Now Toffee, just think of Eric Square Dog and sing "I've got my love to keep me warm!"
Mommy didn't take the time to put my boots on me this morning (we were racing around before she had a conference call...to which I contributed, I might add) and the salt made my paws sting something awful. I'd limp and hobble and hold one up at a time and turn on the Godiva eyes so she'd pick me up but still can't lift me after her surgery. She'd wipe off my paws and rub clean snow on them, but I was looking pretty pitiful by the time we got back home!
Your pal,
We only had a little snow but Ambrose and I loved it. We wish we had as much snow as you. Hope you were able to stay warm.
Your friend,
It does look really really cold out there!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
We got dumped on too, Toffee and we are very happy about it! We're not happy about the freezing temps though because we missed our morning walkie!
We love your pretty blue coat!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Pupcake. I'm howwwwling in agony for you all c c c c cold and chilly. Even in your cool new coat. Which doesn't make your cute rear end look big. You look a darling.I'm sending you squillions of squary huggy cuddles to keep you warm. Then you can send me some cos the snow may be visiting here.
Wiry wags, Eric xxx
Toffee! Riley!
OMDogness, you've got lots more snow! We just had snow dumped on us last Wednesday, but it's melted now.
The cake itself wasn't made of Mac n' Cheese, but the dinner before it was. ;)
Hi, Toffee!
Sure it looks cold there!
Better stay inside warm and comfy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
w00f's, me loves it outside, whether its hot, cold, windy, raing or snowing..now mama on the other paw is a wimp..
b safe,
We haven't gotten snow all year! No fair. :(
If that ever happened to me, I'd just be making stains, no way I'd go out in that!
No snow here so we have to enjoy the pictures of our friends in the cold!
love & wags,
We are commentless..Youknow what we think right now of this stuff and one of us REALLLY wnats it to go away more than the other( that would be the snow plow boy.....) WHERE THE HECK IS SPRING ALREADY! sorry we got carried away by emotion...Love A+A
For a chin hua eagle you look mighty beagle-y. What cute little pooch you are!
It sure looks cold on your side. Stay warm....
~ Bae
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