Oh dear, Toffee, I think that coat makes your butt look big (what are friends for).
Its too cold! Slobbers,

Seriously?!! I mean look at the evidence provided in the pictures above and below!!? Do you think the apawnimous commenter accidentally sniffed too much of the "Mango" I mean "Tango" gas? Or maybe he actually meant to say that my butt looks PHAT? After all he WAS slobbering!

For those not in the "know"...the Urban dictionary defines "Phat" as meaning "cool" or "pretty hot and tempting." (Source: Urbandictionary.com)
....ummmmm....."Tango"....just so you know I am very smitten with a certain "Square Boy".....
Momma instructed me to inspect her jolly bottom when she had on her winter coat and I must admit that it did seem a bit broader when she was all bundled up.
Oh dear, and then your mom posted that somewhat unflattering shot of your round hiney. Surely it is a distortion of the camera.
Don't get me wrong, I love curvey gals.
Toffee...your butt looks WAY WICKED AND PHAT to me...wiggle it over my way..heheeee!!!
Squarie lovies and snoggies Eric xxxxxxxx
Something on my bloggies for you..in the language of flowers means I'll always be true...ahhhh
You butt is perfect in every way, Toffee! No way would you be considered fat - phat maybe - but definitely not fat!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Toffee Girl! What a pavlova we had finding you....Blogger wouldn't let me view your profile from your comment....but *duuuuh* there you were in Petey's list, you were there all along!
Can't wait to meet you and Eric this weekend, we've heard so much about you :D
Slobbers, from Alfie & Rosie xx
No. Haaaa!
Mango! Mango!
Kisses and hugs
You have an adorable butt Toffee. I wouldn't pay any attention to what Relentlessly Huge dogs say about your figure.
Your friend,
w00f's, heehee me thinks u gots a cute butt..but dont tell Eric me saided that, or me girlfriends...it b our secret..
b safe,
I think you look perfectly PHAT!
I dont think you're fat at all. You're fashionable.. ;)
~ Bae
You do look PHAT!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Silly (T)ango . . . you can't even see Toffee's butt in her snow suit picture! :P
Snuggly Bum Sniggles!
Toffee, that Tango dude has nothing on you sista. I mean look at the size of him! Is my JOey flirting with you?
Frankly, Toffee I'd sic Eric on Man er Tango...
He has this THING bout referrin' to our trim posterious as hoooooge...
JUST IGNORE HIM...he's doin' it for attention...just like most boyz...
Frankly if he wants to see a large caboose, he should just look in a mirror...
Love and feeling much better and thank you for asking kissies...
Just ignore my bros on our bloggie...
Oh No Toffee!! Mmmm... phat sounds cute but nope nope, your butt looks pawfect to us! Your winter coat is so fashionable and it suits you so well! :)
Pawrents have marked those two days on their calendar. We can't wait to meet up with your pawrents again. We wish you two can come visit T.O. as well.
Momo & Pinot
PS: Can you believe our brudder is now heavier than me, Pinot???? He eats so well...just like me, Momo!
Haha, oh Toffee! I think that coat looks great on you! You don't look fat at all...
Love Clover xo
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