Remember I had you all consider your bucket list a few posts back? Well, our friends E & B checked off one item from their bucket list by getting a dog! I am pleased to introduce Eli, their new bundle of fur. He was adopted from a rescue and travelled all the way up from Tennessee.
Here he is inspecting the gifts we selected for him:

Chewing on a bully stick....we won't tell his pawrents what they are REALLY made of. Ignorance is bliss occasionally.

Isn't he cute?

Don't worry Eric my sweetie pie, I still only have eyes for you! Plus, we haven't met him pawsonally yet. I have a feeling that mom thought that Riley would have been too overwhelming for him because we all know that I am a perfect angel.
Mom & dad went to meet him yesterday and said that he was a wonderful dog!
Congratulations E & B! Two paws up!
To read more about Eli please check out E & B's blog by clicking HERE.