Thanks to the crack nursing team of Asta, Agatha and Lacie I recovered uneventfully from the annie-stetik...my recovery from Lacie's smoothies was a different story (see picture below). Thank you to my nursie friends and to my handsome square dog Eric for helping me through my recovery.

Even Riley donned a pair of scrubs to try and help out - frankly I think he was just doing it to try and nab a Lacie smoothie.

Here is a pic of my "franken butt" - mom says that she will remove the stitches for me in a couple of days; just in time for Petey and Rosie's wedding!! Woot!

By the way - my lump that was removed ended up being benign! Phew!
Thanks to all of you for sending your healing vibes!
Now that is a good news for a Monday! Glad to hear your rear is in the clear!
Hooray! Admit it Toffee, you had a lower back tattoo removed, didn't you? Ahh, Spring Break at Cancun, huh?
Your pal,
Pupcake. Want your wiggle near your wag licked better?? Tee hee!!! Sending squillions of square dog snogs. Meet you on Aire Ruby. Then after the wedding we'll zoom off down south for the week.
Lovies your Eric sweetie pie xxxx
Thank DOG it was benign, we are going to party this weekend!!
Yay! Better to be-nign than be not!
love & wags,
I like that frankenbutt. Very sexy.
Whew..that was a tough case..Noooo not because of you.....becasue that belnder was going NON STOP....Love A+A
YAY for the good news,Toffee. I'm very, very glad to hear your boo boos were B9.
Honestly, Toffee...I sorta liked that tatoo you had taken off...that naked basset hound was somethin'...I asked you repeatedly for the story when you were still under the Ann A Stet Ik, but you weren't spillin' the beans...after your 7th smoothie, Asta and I know a little more, but due to HIPPA and all that, we of course can't share...And as for you drinkin' seven of my smoothies...hmm...I had only taken a little nappers and you emptied the blender...impressive, Toffee!!!!!
So glad to hear ur tat was benign...I really didn't have too many doubts...
Love ya lots...
It looks like you had the very best of care, Toffee! We're so glad to hear that the report came back benign!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00fs, me izs sooo happy u iz ok...and dat ole lump iz gone..
b safe,
Eep! You do have a Frankenbum. At least it's a healthy stitchy bum!
Just don't put Neosporin on it. Big Pupi's surgery ouchies didn't like it at all.
Feel better soon!
Sounds like you've been in very good care! Just in time and perfectly well for the wedding!
Glad to hear your rear in on the mend.
Jake and Fergs
My poor sweet Toffee--
I am thrilled you are healthy but alarmed at your surgery. You looked all snuggly and have so many friends tending to your every need. Let me know if I can herd anything your way.
Paws crossed for a speedy recovery!
Yippee, we like that B word! Glad to hear you'll be all better for tomorrow (i'm so excited!) and happy anniversary to your humans today, hope they have a lovely day!
See you at the wedding.....ten more sleeps....yikes!
(and thanks for letting me borrow you Mom's beautiful bouquet)
Love, Rosie xx
Oh poor Toffee! We hope you heal up well.
Solid Gold Momma
Hi, Toffee and Riley -
We are so happy to read that your lump was benign.
It also looks like you had the best nursing team taking good care of you. We hope you have a speedy recovery!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Dear Toffee, Two Paws UP! for that tumor being be-nine stuff!! Woo-hoo! Also for recovery! And also, thank you for your truly outstanding commintz regarding Asta's man panties we have published a follow up story which you might enjoy due to the facts that it turns out that you had truly outstanding use of the undergarmintz in one of your piktues and so we used that as an egsample to the werld! It's on the front page at http://www.luluandlolly.com, it is a correckshons story becuz we confused the breeds of Asta and her truly outstanding boyfriend Stan becuz of the pain meds! OK, Love, Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Toffee!! We're glad to hear that it was benign!! Phew Phew Phew!!!
We can't wait to see you in pawson!!
Momo & Pinot
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