Our internet was down so we could not post earlier, however, better late than never so HAPPY CANADA DAY!!
Since Riley is the only canine Canadian he gets to have his picture on the blog today with his maple leaf bandanna on.
Also, a very handsome square from across the big pee suggested that I start a "tag" with my previous post on the "bucket/treat jar list." So in honour of the last hours of Canada day I would like to tag my Canadian blog friends to list their top 5 treat jar list items and post it on their blog.
This means you: Ms. Brador, Clover, Momo & Pinot, Chef and Sparky!!
Feel free to tag anyone you wish.
I would also like to tag "E" (aka Mrs. C) to do the same since it was due to her diagnosis of cancer that got me thinking of the treat jar list to begin with - although she can call it a "bucket list" or "cookie jar list" instead.
addendum-dum: the cat also pointed out that she, too, is Canadian and demanded to have her picture posted in honour of her national holiday.

Hey Toffee! Hope you had a fantastic Canada Day...even the cat!
Thank you for your kind words on our blog about Rosie, we know it happened...or didn't....for a reason!
Mother Nature rules the roost :o)
Slobbers xx
Pee-ess....is it ok if we add you to our sidebar? We keep losing track of you.
Toffee!!!!! My Canada Day was great. I hung out in Parc La Fontaine with a whole bunch of tight rope walkers. Really! The only problem was that Balto was there. He's so annoying. But at least he growls at all the other dogs so that I don't have to.
My bucket/treat list would include swimming, bison bones, swimming, bison bones, swimming, tennis balls, swimming, bison bones, tennis balls and swimming together and bison bones. I know I have done all of it already, but really, what else is there?
The mass on my hard palette was nothing at all. The young vet who diagnosed it as possibly cancerous was not our regular vet at all and she booked me in for surgery. Elkin is the surgeon and our regular vet and we looooove him, because he is so smart. He examined it before putting me under and then called mom immediately to say that it is really just part of my regular anatomy. It's bigger on me than a lot of other doggies, because I am so special, but it is just a regular part of my hard palette structure. I don't know all the technical terms for it, but hopefully your mom will know what that means. On the other hand, my liver enzymes have been up again. I have to go in for another round of bloods really soon. They aren't super dangerously high, but Elkin wants to keep an eye on them, since I was diagnosed with lepto a couple of years ago. (Although secretly, I think E doesn't actually trust that diagnosis, since I was vaccinated against it and it would be highly unusual. That was another vet who did that diagnosis and we don't go to her anymore). Also, I have had two xrays of my liver, two years ago and a month ago, and everything looks perfect. Just like me :-)
Anyway, enough about me. We are so happy to see Riley in his Canada-dana. Hope you had a great day and happy July 4th!
ooops .... don't know where that other anyway came from.
Smoochies to your mom.
I missed Canada day! I swear I don't even know what day it is anymore.
Hello and happy belated Canada day, Toffee and Canadian born Riley!! Whoa Toffee, you got a gigantic burger!! :)
We couldn't go to Ontario Place to see fireworks last night but we stayed at the nearby park where our pawrents got together until late. Many neighbors had fireworks there and it was fun to watch! Dasha probably had a look from the balcony??
The list will be posted on our blog.. and we'll visit your friend "E"'s blog. Our paws are crossed for her!
Momo & Pinot
Happy Canada day, Toffee!
Sorry we're so late!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Canada Day from some more Canucks!
Happy Canada Day sweetie pupcake and Riley. Dog you look devilishly handsome dude!Love the maple leaf banana.Did you have a super day? Eat lots of maple syrup? And Kiwi,so cute. And clean! How many baths a week do you have to be that dazzling? I've been doing more rooooooling, I can feel a bath coming on...wanna share pupcake?
Oooodle os love and kissies, Eric xxxxxx
Hi Toffee and Riley!
Happy belated Canada Day!! It was so weird stuck in the middle of the week - we feel like we didn't get to celebrate it very well!
Hope you have a great 4th of July, and thanks for the tag!! We will try to come up with our cookie jar list and post it soon!
Happy Canada day indeed, and 4th of July!!
Gawd, I am so late with everything. Thanks for the Happy Canada Day wishes and belated HCD to you Riley, my fellow Canuck. I spent most of the night under the bed because the fireworks make me scared.
I only have one kind of treat in my cookie jar right now. It's a pile of grain-free Green Beef cookies from Northern Biscuit. They're so yumms and they don't give me yellow poops, so Mama loves them too.
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