Best wishes for a happy, healthy and treat filled 2008.
nuff said. woof.

Monday, December 31, 2007
Hap-pee New Year's Eve.

(* depicts a name that has been changed)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Will blog for food.
Faithful reader "Izzy" pointed out that maybe my parents being at the "gallows" is really not such a good thing for them (see comment section in previous blog entry). This in turn means that it may not be a good thing for ME; and it is all about me, of course. Anyway, I may need to find another way of keeping myself in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed. With that Pats vs. Giants game on tonight I thought perhaps I could wager on the game. In seek of guidance I turned to "The Sports Guy" who writes on and instead read an incredibly amusing entry by the "Sports Gal" (the beloved wife of "guy"). She informed and entertained me with her picks of the week. In addition she edumacated me on the "science" of picking a winner. For a good laugh read the article here.
nb. "public" I think you'd especially enjoy!
p.s. also a warm "woof" and lick out to Velvis
nb. "public" I think you'd especially enjoy!
p.s. also a warm "woof" and lick out to Velvis
Friday, December 28, 2007
Oops! I peed on your bed!
So my *sigh* brother today finally convinced me that we are here at doggy day camp for a little while. I should have know it when mom and dad 2b did not show up on Monday night to pick us up. I should have known when dad 2b promised me a hamburger - it was all too good to be true.
Riley, my brother, told me that he found a pamphlet for a resort
in the U.S. Virgin Islands called Gallows Point. He also found a plane ticket while rooting for some underwear to chew on. The ticket was dated December 25th going to St. John via San Juan. So while Riley and I are here stuck in the cold weather in a cage, mom and dad 2b are likely sipping fancy fruity drinks - you know the kind they serve with a fancy paper umbrella - anyway they are likely sipping on fruity drinks, basking in the sun and up to gosh knows what other shenanigans! I cannot explain in words how angry this makes me but I assure you my loyal readers, that I will certainly let them have a piece of my mind - or the contents of my bladder - when they get home!!! Besides, I can just blame any "accidents" on the cat - like the one pictured above (Kiwi is a 6 year old domestic white haired kitty that also lives with us).

in the U.S. Virgin Islands called Gallows Point. He also found a plane ticket while rooting for some underwear to chew on. The ticket was dated December 25th going to St. John via San Juan. So while Riley and I are here stuck in the cold weather in a cage, mom and dad 2b are likely sipping fancy fruity drinks - you know the kind they serve with a fancy paper umbrella - anyway they are likely sipping on fruity drinks, basking in the sun and up to gosh knows what other shenanigans! I cannot explain in words how angry this makes me but I assure you my loyal readers, that I will certainly let them have a piece of my mind - or the contents of my bladder - when they get home!!! Besides, I can just blame any "accidents" on the cat - like the one pictured above (Kiwi is a 6 year old domestic white haired kitty that also lives with us).
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bone to pick.

My second bone to pick is with my parents. On Monday they took me (and *sigh* my brother)to "day camp" to play with other dogs - to "socialize" Riley - they said. I was promised that they would pick me up at the end of the day. In fact my dad 2b PROMISED that I would get a hamburger at the end of it. Well here it is 3 days later and still no one has come to pick us up. Some of the other dogs here have been telling me that I was tricked and that Riley and I are actually at a dog boarding kennel - but I know they would not do that to me. I hope they are not lost in the ether with the Michael Vick chew toy...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Baby face buckeye.

As I noted above, this picture is not exactly a picture of me as a pup but I'd like to think that I looked much like this pup (if not a bit cuter - but I may be biased, just saying). This is a picture of a chihueagle whose elicit genetic/parental history I do not know of but this blog is rated "G" so I will not make any assumptions.
Anyway, enough about that "other" puppy. I thought I'd share a little history of myself today. I am actually from THE Ohio State - yup I'm a Buckeye - and yup you must put the "THE" in when you say Ohio State. I was found on the side of the road one cold December evening in 2002 after being hit my a car. I don't remember what got me to that point but I am pretty sure that it had something to do with my nose taking me on an adventure chasing down a rabbit or a tasty cheeseburger. My original name was "Claire" because I was found on Claire Road. THE Ohio State veterinary school was kind enough to do surgery on me paid for out of their Good Samaritan fund because I had fractured my fibula, my tibia and had several pelvic fractures. Believe it or not I have metal pins in my right leg. Well it was during my hospital stay that my luck changed as I was lucky enough to meet mom who adopted me (and *sigh* my brother Riley on the SAME day). She had just lost a dog that got killed by a car. Anyway, since that fateful meeting I have been more adored than I could have ever imagine. woof. I could still really use that aforementioned cheeseburger, however.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Holiday cheer!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Ho. Ho. Ho.
Hey mom! I like brunch too!
The Chihueagle's new clothes.
and her new ring.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Ring in the holidays!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Helping the environment one poop at a time.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Say it ain't snow!
Cuffy almost rhymes with Toffee. Dinomite.

To the left is a picture of Cuffy & friends. Left to right: Gator, Sarah, Shorn, mom, Cuffy, & dad 2 be.

On the right is a picture of mom and Cuffy. woof.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Eat Cake. Part II

While looking and drooling over wedding cake pictures I came across this picture which gave me an idea...

I can have my cake & eat it too

So last weekend my food providers went cake tasting for their wedding cake. Even though I was excluded from the tasting - apparently only 2 got to attend the tasting - I am very excited about the prospect of cake! Mom was kind enough to take a picture of their sampling (to the left) - I would have chosen them all.
I am not sure about how it will be decorated but I hope it does not include a wedding topper like the one of "Bride of Chuckie" shown below:

Maybe the cake will have a canine theme.If it does I hope it looks similar to this birthday cake shown: can only dream...
Home alone.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
But why the red dress??
As most of you know, I am about to become part of an "official" family. My mom and soon-to-be dad are getting married this coming July! I am quite honored to be in the wedding party (more on that later). Besides spending time adoring me and *sigh* my brother, they also like to run - almost as much as I like to sleep! They are so-called "members" of the Hash House Harriers whose club slogan is "the drinking group with a running problem"...if I were to have such a club it would be more like the "sleeping/snoring group with an eating problem"...not that I consider ANYTHING about eating a problem...Anyway, here is a picture of my mom and dad running. And again, why the red dress? I hope my dad has the common sense to at least shave and show a little less leg on his wedding day.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Oh Brother!
Virgin No more
Hello reader(s). Toffee here. In case you have not read the title of this blog I am, admittedly, an adored Chihueagle. You may wonder what a "chihueagle" is. Well, I will enlighten you - a chihueagle is a dog that is a unique mix of a beagle and a chihuahua - do you feel enlightened now? As you can see from my picture I look mostly like a beagle. I also act mostly like a beagle as I love, love, LOVE food, and sniffing things, and sleeping - did I mention I love food? So there you have it - I have written my first blog - I am a virgin no more.
(this picture was taken of me while on vacation in Maine last August)
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