Loyal readers I sincerely apologize for not posting a blog yesterday but I did not have sufficient internet access at "camp" after a Great Dane decided to "mark" his territory all over the computer here. But, loyal readers, I am here for you now. To the left is a photo of "Bagel" (mmm...bagels). Bagel was mom's first "very own" dog. Mom adopted her at a humane society in Canada in the winter of 2000. Here she is shown partying it up on New Year's eve 2004 in Illinois at her friend J's house. I believe that was Bagel's last New Year's as she had heart disease and had to go to doggy heaven the following October. Bagel was a beagle who also loved treats, cuddling, food, sniffing good stuff on the ground and rolling in rabbit poop. By the way, I recall that Riley and I were left back in Michigan that New Years to celebrate with the Parsons*. Left behind, AGAIN. Notice a trend here? Mom says it is because J's kitties "Armani" and "Versace" would not appreciate a Jack Russell harassing them; yeah, right. I hope that hamburger is nice and juicy....with EXTRA tater bites on the side.
(* depicts a name that has been changed)
It is so cool how Canadian dogs look just like American dogs. Who knew?
Hi Toffee!
A very Happy New Year to you! Your mom sent us a picture message of where her and dad2b to be are and I have now confirmed that these "Gallows" are A-OK...so much so that Todd is now aching for a Caribbean getaway. Instead, it just snowed AGAIN here. I hope you are keeping your little paws warm on this chilly New Year's Eve.
Your pal,
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