Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The BIG day - part deux

After getting squeaky clean we insisted that mom have a bath/shower too since we had to endure such torture.  We ate some breakfast and then drove to Marblehead to get ready. 

Above is a pictue of mom's dress and her veil - please note that mom's close friend Kristin MADE the veil for mom - it was bootiful.

Here is a picture of dad's suit - well a picture of one exactly like it from the Brooks Brothers store - there is a HUGE story behind dad's suit but I will not go into that here.
After getting purdied up (thanks Lee!) my mom was ready to go...notice her footwear? She wore Crocs to the wedding - they were her "something new and something blue"
Here is dad on his way to pick up mom.  They did some pictures before the wedding.
What a sweet couple!  mom here: you are only saying that because we feed you
Next it was OUR turn to get ready.  Dad and mom felt that this would be best to do closer to the ceremony since it was so hot.

Putting my dress on was a breeze; however Riley's suit was not as easy...


Joe Stains said...

You guys ALL look GREAT !!

i said...

You all look absolutely lovely! Your mommy's wedding dress is so pretty!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
Beautiful Mom!
Handsome Dad!
Beautiful Toffee
Handsome Riley!
You all are a good looking family!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

You all look stunning..I don't know who is mowe bootiful, youw Mom ow You..and the boyz...well handsome is not good enough..youw Mom's fwiend suwe is talented..that veil is gowgeous
smoochie kisses

Chef said...

What a great looking bride and groom, Toffee. And you and Riley look so cute in your formalwear. Not too many of us get to go to a wedding - you are just so lucky.

So sorry about Pesto. I hope she's in a peaceful, happy place now.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw you all look pawsome.. Your mom's dress is really bootiful and yours is so cute.

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

You guys all look stunning! We can't wait to hear the next chapter of the wedding story!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said...

You ALL look great! Oh! I just realised that Joe said exactly the same thing!



Lenny said...

You all look GREAT! I agree with Lorenza, you are a very good looking family!

Your friend, Lenny

Stanislaw said...

You all look so wonderful! I hope it was a perfect day!

Unknown said...

I think you should send that photo of your Mommy in her beautiful dress wearing CROCS to the Crocs people! They'll probably put it into an ad. She may be the first bride to ever wear Crocs to her wedding. Good choice though on that rocky beach.

Toffee, you look gorgeous!

Your pal,


Deetz said...

Oh my gosh..the wait is finally over!!! I love you in your dress and tux....Awesome pawsome....The best dressed ever...I am so excited for you...and cannot wait to see more more more
Did you get your package today? They promised it would be there today.....

River said...

Everyone looks beautiful. And it was a sunny day!

love & wags,

Clover said...

Aw! You all look so cute and nice! Thanks for sharing your great pictures!
Love Clover xo

Eric said...

How fab you looked all spruced up, tow pretty girlies in their frockies and the boys in their suits. I loved Mommy in her crocs, way to go go go go!!! Love it!!!! Wags, Eric


Woof, Toffee

The humans look good but the pooches look terrific. Hey, all you pups out there were thinking it, we just said it.

Desert Pups here just roaming the neighborhood and making new pals cause we're new in town

Woof, woof
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence

Agatha and Archie said...

Well, Riley must have been so nervous carrying the rings.....You look like a PRINCESS!!!!!!! and Riley like Prince Charming....your dress is stunning....Love and kisses A+A

Juno said...

Mom's friend made her veil?? That is really nice. Your mom and you Toffee look so beautiful! Dad and Riley look so handsome!!! Pawfect team!!!

Momo & Pinot

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