Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The BIG day - part III

After getting our outfits on it was time to head to the altar.  Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of this because I can only assume that everyone was too busy staring in awe at my cuteness that they forgot to capture the moment!

Below is a picture of my brother Riley with the pouch that contained the rings (on his back).  I could have been a ring bearer too but I just felt that the red pouch clashed too much with my pink tulle and satin dress.
The Maid of Hono(u)r, LC, and the flower girl Miss Morgan (LC's daughter).
Mom's aunt sang Ave Maria to gather the group followed by Panus Angelicus for the processional.  She was a professional opera singer in Europe for many, many years and her voice is heavenly!

Here comes the bride with her parents...

The "altar" was on a large rock by the ocean.  The ceremony was presided by TK who was granted "officiant" status for the day in order to marry my mom and dad.  He did a great job!  I believe this photo was taken before the processional...
"You may now kiss the bride"...yippeee!  Riley was so good and didn't get jealous or anything! (this is not usual behavior for him)


Charlie Daniels said...




Agatha and Archie said...

Ohhh how pretty your PL looks........Her dress is beautifull!!!! And you two look FABULOUS!!!!!!!And how pretty EVERYTHING looks!!!! WE were all thinking of you all day!! Love and kisses A+A

the many Bs said...

this is very exciting. you & Riley look very nice in your outfits and your mom looks lovely too. that's so neat that Riley got to be the ring bearer.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That is really so sweet. ..

~ Girl girl

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
More great pictures of the big day!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

How perfect everything is! We are so very happy for you! Congratulations! Good job Toffee and Riley!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Aw, that was so pawfect... loked lovely... me n Mom have gone all sniffy again...xcuse us need some hankies...

Wags, Eric xxx

Juno said...

Every single picture looks lovely!!! We've been thinking about your wedding and we're happy that we're able to read the report from the ceremony!!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Asta said...

We'we melting hewe seeing these bootiful pictoowes..I think this must have been a vewy gowgeous wedding, and you and Riley look gweat! Iagwee the wed would have clashed wif youw pwetty dwess.

I hope youw pawents have the bestest honey moons evew!

I'll miss you..whewe awe you going meanwhile?
smoochie kisses

Lenny said...

LOVE these pictures! Everyone looks so beautiful, especially your mom.

Your friend, Lenny

Sophie Brador said...

You all look fabulous! And what a beautiful spot. I would have had a hard time not trying to scramble over that rock to jump in the ocean.


Please sign my guest book. Woof.