Sunday, July 20, 2008

A walk with greatness

First of all I would like to say that I cannot believe that my mom had the NERVE to infringe on MY blog by posting a picture of HERSELF on the wedding day.  Just because she got her new iPhone doesn't mean that she can take advantage of "mobile blogging" and start posting on my turf!  Sheesh!  

Anyway, back to business...

We finally got to meet Ms. S. Brador on Friday -  thank goodness I took all of your advice and just wore my collar and a smile because it was darn hot!

Here's a picture of the initial meeting - Ms. Sophie and her person heading towards us
Ms. Brador, Riley and I walked around the Public Garden and the Boston Common...well actually I think we should call it Ms. Brador's Common; or rather Not-so-common since Sophie made it well known to all dogs that were there that day and that may be there in days ahead that SHE indeed had been there.  Sophie marked all of her favo(u)rite trees - she must have really liked the Common because she had a lot of favo(u)rite trees!
After walking through the Common we started a portion of the Freedom Trail - a trail marked by red brick that is basically a walking tour of historic Boston.  As my mom had to pick up a friend at the airport (a wedding guest) we had to cut our visit a bit short.  We were so very happy to at least spend a little time with the oh-so-famous Ms. Sophie Brador!  Thank you so much for visiting us!  We loved meeting you!


the many Bs said...

this is truely a historic event, when Ms Sophie Brador comes to the US to visit her Boston pals. you are so lucky to get to spend some time with her. she is lovely and we can tell that you were hitting it off with her and her human! lucky you!


Duke said...

We know you had the best time ever, Toffee! What an honor to be able to meet Sophie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your mom is a pretty bride. And so nice that you get to meet Sophie. :)

~ Girl girl

Niamh said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day with Sophie. It is great to meet up with friends.

Your friend,

Agatha and Archie said...

Well now Boston has been officially marked by Sophie!!!!!!Maybe there will be a plaque put up in the Common!!! This site visited by Sophie,Tofe and Riley......Love and kisses A+A How is Mrs Mom??!!!!!!!!

Dewey Dewster said...


It looks like ya had a great visit with the famous Ms. Sophie...isn't it funny how girls can mark territory even better than boys? My Mom does more markin' than I do 'n she does it better too....looks like Sophie is just as good at it....yer Mom looked lovely in 'er weddin'gown....we're sure the big day was spectacular too....

Dewey Dewster here....

Deetz said...

Wow, that is soooo cool to get to meet the Ms. Sophie Brador!!! how exciting.

Unknown said...

Oohh, I'd better hide my Mommy's iPhone before she downloads "mobile blogging" as well. That could be quite dangerous.

What a great time! You two were excellent tour guides in Bahstahn. And you didn't even have to wear tri-cornered hats.

Toffee, is Riley officially your brother now? And has Dad2B dropped the last two characters from his name?

Your pal,


Eric said...

Looks like you had a fab time with Sophie! But err.. blogging on the day following the wedding too?? Aren't you meant to be on moneyhoon with Mom and Dad now is....?

Wags, Eric x

Can't wait to see the photos. Specially you in your frockie Toffee.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, you should be fair to your mom. It was her special day so I think it was fair for her to post a picture up of herself in her wedding gown. Be nice Toffee...Hope you had a great time with Sophie!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said...

Hi Toffee,
It's so pawesome that you got to meet Sophie! Looks like you had a nice meeting!
And your mom looked beautiful in her wedding gown! Thanks for letting her post a picture!
Love Clover xo

Asta said...

You awe among the lucky few who have met the fantabolous Ms la Bwadow..I'm so glad you had a good time, even if it was showt
smoochie kisses

Juno said...

Toffee and Riley!! Looks like you guys had a pawsome day to get to meet super famouse Ms. Sophie and her human!!!! NICE!!!!

Momo & Pinot

Sophie Brador said...

Toffee!!! It was indeed an honoured to be welcomed to Boston by the most distinguished Chihueagle in the country, if not the continent, if not the world! You and Riley for terrific hosts and I loved walking around town with you and your mom.

We went to Marblehead today, before heading to Vermont. It was lovely. I hope you had a great day at the wedding and didn't upstage your mom and dad2b ... I mean your DAD! ... on their big day. You know how us dogs can steal all the attention.

My mom sends giant hugs and kisses to both you, and I send a smooch.


Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, watt a fun day u all had...cant wait to c picturs of ur mom and dad's weddin...wuz u 2 good??

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
Sure it was pawesome to meet Sophie and have a great time with her!
Kisses and hugs

Please sign my guest book. Woof.