Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcome home!

A few weeks back my friends Gator and Jen brought home two kittens.  I was sent some pictures over pee-mail however, for some reason, my download didn't work! Boo-hoo.  Anyway, they are little orange tiger kitties named Chloe and Frida; I figure they would look a little like this kitty above...only smaller. Sorry that I could not upload the REAL photos!  They will be visiting me at work next week so I will be able to post real pictures after this visit!
Update!! Chloe & Frida signed my guestbook! Check the cutie pies out!

On another note...only 17 days left...

On another note...
Riley and I went for our late afternoon walk yesterday...and guess what??...the skies opened up and little white FROSTY PAWS fell from the sky!!  Seriously!!  They were not nearly as tasty as Izzy's frosty paws and they kind of hurt when they hit me.  Is this retribution from the Frosty paw deities from eating too many over the last couple of days??  I'm sorry, please forgive me!

Drenched and very unhappy Riley:
Drenched and very unhappy Toffee:


Stacey said...

OMG, Toffee!!! U look so funny all wet!!!

River said...

Maybe they were frosty paws that you can add your own flavor to. My mom one time stood in a frosty paws storm just to see what it was like. She says it hurt, duh. Hope you don't have any bruises.

love & wags,

Tatum Tot said...

What are frosty paws from the sky? Maybe we have them here too...

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, they are cutie pies! Oh my, those Frosty Paws are sooo mean to attack you guys like that...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee and Riley, hmm u gots to run when frosty paws start fallin from the sky...hope u kitty friends dont end up big as that big cat.

b safe,

Clover said...

Ooh, how pawesome that you got to eat frosty paws so much! I bet it was worth it even if you had to get rained on!
Happy belated Canada day!
Love Clover xo

Deetz said...

Toffee, that look on your face says it all doesn't it? so funny!
17 days.....It will be here before you know it.

Asta said...

Toffee and Riley
I can cewtainly help out and I'm suwe Petey can will be bootiful..tightdwessses can be vewy attwactive, hehehe
I'm sowwy you got hit by fwosty paws..that's not vewy nice..get some booty west...time is neaw
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

I fowgotto say that those kitties awe adowable!!! thank you fow intwoducing us..awe they going to blog??

Joe Stains said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I added you to my subscriptions so we will be reading from now on! Nice to meet you!

Lizzy said...


Was it hail that drenched you and Riley? Man, what a surprise! I must say, you two look kinda funny in these pictures!


Duke said...

The two of you sure don't look to happy about being drenched with frosty paws! Hopefully it's hot there and being wet feels good!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chef said...

Gawd, I wish some Frosty Paws would fall from my sky!! You don't look happy wet, Toffs.

By the way, did you get your package from Fenway? I'm trying to finish up with the Goody Exchange and I don't want to leave anyone out. Pls. let me know.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
Nice to meet your new friends!
Those frosty paws from the sky are not as good as the ones our moms make for us, right! And also they hurt you!
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Yup. You're right. Thanks..


Sophie Brador said...

Toffee! Isn't your mom going to be a little busy with wedding prep to be meeting up with my stinky mom who is not taking me to Boston with her .... grrrrrr.

She would love to meet you too, but only if your mom and dad2b have time. She would totally understand if you don't. She hasn't made any plans yet and has never been to Boston, but she is going to be pretty central ... she thinks. She's staying in Cambridge, at the Hotel Marlow (??? she thinks). A big meet up with you guys and the As would be so cool. Mom has been super busy teaching summer session and did not email the As PL yet about her dates, but she will get on it!

She is driving down on the 17th. Not sure what time she'll arrive, but hopefully mid afternoon. We'll figure it all out. My email is sophiebrador at gmail.


P.S. Riley kind of looks like Cha Cha, only maybe smaller and with not as much crazy face hair.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Chloe and Frida are so cute...
You 2 sure dont look happy with that free frosty paws..

~ Girl girl

i said...

Frosty paws from the sky? Did they come in flavours? You didn't look very amused being wet, eh?

Unknown said...

Ahh, those photos of you two convince me of my theory that all causes of wet dogs are not equal.

Beach, swimming pool - GOOD!
Rain, bathes - BAD!!!!

Your pal in solidarity,


Dexter said...

We had frosty paws fall from the sky here too (but fortunately I was safely inside). Momma calls it unsettled weather. Its unsettling, that's for sure.


Agatha and Archie said...


Please sign my guest book. Woof.